• 2,699 Trophies Earned
  • 1,089 Players Tracked
  • 28 Total Trophies
  • 22,588 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,305 Points
  • 15 Platinum Club
  • 15 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Get all the trophies

    1.38% (2212.00)
  • Finish a battle in any Game Mode.

    100.00% (31.00)
  • Complete Story Chapter 05.

    12.67% (241.00)
  • Complete Story Chapter 10.

    7.81% (391.00)
  • Complete Story Chapter 15.

    5.69% (537.00)
  • Reach Rank 5 with any Non-Leader Fighter.

    9.83% (311.00)
  • Reach Rank 10 with any Fighter

    4.68% (652.00)
  • Reach Rank 10 with 5 Fighters of the same Gang.

    2.94% (1038.00)
  • Reach Rank 10 with 15 Fighters of the same Gang.

    1.74% (1755.00)
  • Have any Fighter receive a Maiming Injury.

    3.12% (979.00)
  • Have any Fighter receive a Bionic enhancement.

    2.75% (1110.00)
  • Achieve a Tier 1 score at the end of any Operation.

    9.27% (329.00)
  • Achieve a Tier 3 Score at the end of any Operation.

    9.00% (339.00)
  • Complete a total of 5 House Requests in Operations.

    3.12% (979.00)
  • Gather a total of 10,000 Resources in Operations.

    1.65% (1850.00)
  • Finish any Operation Mission with an Archeotech in your possession.

    8.72% (350.00)
  • Secure a total of 10 Archeotechs at the end of any number of Operations.

    1.47% (2077.00)
  • Simultaneously fill all 3 Implant slots on a single Fighter.

    5.23% (584.00)
  • Simultaneously fill all 3 Implant slots on 5 Fighters of the same Gang.

    3.67% (832.00)
  • Equip Rank 1 items in all Armour and Weapon slots of a single Fighter.

    10.38% (294.00)
  • Equip Rank 5 items in all Armour and Weapon slots of a single Fighter.

    4.22% (723.00)
  • Equip Rank 6 items in all Armour and Weapon slots of a single Fighter.

    1.65% (1850.00)
  • Finish 1st in an online battle with human players only.

    7.25% (421.00)
  • Play an online battle with human players only.

    7.53% (405.00)
  • Finish 1st in 10 online battles with human players only.

    5.33% (573.00)
  • Finish 1st in 25 online battles with human players only.

    5.05% (605.00)
  • Finish 1st in 50 online battles with human players only

    4.96% (616.00)
  • Play an online battle with 4 human players

    6.06% (504.00)