• 11,265 Trophies Earned
  • 643 Players Tracked
  • 22 Total Trophies
  • 553 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 474 Platinum Club
  • 470 100% Club
Earned Date
  • All NeverEnd trophies achieved!

    73.25% (35.00)
  • Kill your first enemy

    99.53% (1.00)
  • Buy your first item

    88.80% (1.00)
  • First death

    100.00% (1.00)
  • Kill your first mini boss

    78.07% (33.00)
  • Buy all items

    74.65% (35.00)
  • Finish the second quest

    75.58% (34.00)
  • Kill every mini boss in one run

    74.81% (35.00)
  • Collect all hats

    73.56% (35.00)
  • Secret Trophy

    81.49% (1.00)
  • Beat the game

    73.56% (35.00)
  • Complete the game with the stick

    73.56% (35.00)
  • Secret Trophy

    79.00% (33.00)
  • Find one elemental sword

    77.76% (33.00)
  • Cap

    Walk through 100 rooms in one run

    75.89% (34.00)
  • Die in the first 10 seconds

    90.51% (1.00)
  • Buy a Bow and a Rod in one run

    76.98% (34.00)
  • Kill 50 enemies with the bow

    75.89% (34.00)
  • Finish the first quest

    78.69% (33.00)
  • Get 20c in one run without the Rod

    75.27% (34.00)
  • Walk into a room with 6 Zomborgs

    81.49% (1.00)
  • Kill the final Boss

    73.56% (35.00)