Get the worst ending.
Get the 2nd best ending.
Get the best ending.
Get the best ending in "Hardcore" mode.
Clear the game without dying in "Hardcore" mode.
Get a score over 17500 pts. in "Hardcore" mode.
Clear the game in 25 minutes or less in "Hardcore" mode.
Clear the game as the Ronin.
Defeat a Monban in 10 seconds or less.
Defeat Tanuki in 10 seconds or less.
Defeat Ryu in 30 seconds or less.
Defeat Yurei in 40 seconds or less.
Defeat Shiro in 25 seconds or less.
Complete all "Perfect" challenges.
Complete all "Assassin" challenges.
Complete all "Collector" challenges.
Complete all "Speed Runner" challenges.
Obtain a gold medal in "Boss Rush" mode.