• 1,387,546 Trophies Earned
  • 43,262 Players Tracked
  • 95 Total Trophies
  • 8,181 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,935 Points
  • 11,563 Platinum Club
  • 2,880 100% Club
Earned Date

The Tengu's Disciple DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Completed "A Song to Calm the Storm".

    22.72% (82.00)
  • Completed "Eternal Rivals".

    21.30% (88.00)
  • Completed "Shadows Creep in Kurama".

    20.20% (92.00)
  • Completed all missions in "The Tengu's Disciple" on any difficulty level. (Does not include Twilight or training missions.)

    15.80% (118.00)
  • Completed all missions in "The Tengu's Disciple" on Dream of the Demon. (Does not include Twilight or training missions.)

    8.87% (210.00)
  • Collected all Kodama in "The Tengu's Disciple".

    13.24% (141.00)
  • Acquired mystic art for the splitstaff.

    15.47% (120.00)
  • Collected all of Saigyo's poetry cards.

    17.42% (107.00)
  • Bathed in every hot spring found in "The Tengu's Disciple".

    13.17% (142.00)
  • Used all the giant bows in "A Song to Calm the Storm".

    15.33% (122.00)
  • Destroyed 150 of the golden Amrita shards found in the gold mine in "Eternal Rivals".

    18.42% (101.00)
  • Used an attack to knock Yoshitsune off his perch on the bridge in "Eternal Rivals".

    13.53% (138.00)
  • Completed picture scroll missions 10 times.

    13.83% (135.00)

Darkness in the Capital DLC trophies

Earned Date

The First Samurai DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Completed "Dawn of the Demon".

    15.70% (119.00)
  • Completed "A Distant Dream".

    14.98% (124.00)
  • Completed all missions in "The First Samurai".

    10.19% (183.00)
  • Completed all missions in "The First Samurai" on Dream of the Demon.

    7.26% (257.00)
  • Collected all Kodama in "The First Samurai".

    9.91% (188.00)
  • Used a cask of holy water in "Dawn of the Demon" to damage an enemy's Ki.

    13.37% (139.00)
  • Completed "The Alluring Ancient".

    10.99% (170.00)
  • Bathed in every hot spring found in "The First Samurai".

    10.56% (177.00)
  • Saved all the Mujina in "A Distant Dream".

    12.34% (151.00)
  • Defeated the four demons in "A Distant Dream".

    14.23% (131.00)
  • Completed "Against All Comers" on Dream of the Demon or higher.

    8.23% (226.00)
  • Collected all of Kukai's brushes in "Words of Respite".

    12.48% (149.00)
  • Obtained the aid of Tokichiro, Minamoto no Yoshitsune, and Minamoto no Yorimitsu from a Benevolent Grave in "A Familiar Glow".

    9.10% (205.00)