• 27,293 Trophies Earned
  • 732 Players Tracked
  • 49 Total Trophies
  • 1,100 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,305 Points
  • 402 Platinum Club
  • 402 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Get all trophies

    54.92% (30.00)
  • Mizuki Chapter 0 Clear Ryuki's Somnium Wake from your dream. Achieve enlightenment.

    99.86% (17.00)
  • Ryuki Chapter 1 Clear Chikara's Somnium Obsessed with yourself and your opinions. Never back down.

    94.95% (18.00)
  • Ryuki Chapter 2 Clear Tokiko's Somnium Reach true enlightenment.

    92.76% (18.00)
  • Ryuki Chapter 3 Clear Komeji's Somnium To have an outer face and an inner face. A false heart.

    89.07% (19.00)
  • Ryuki Chapter 4 Clear Amame's Somnium Cause and effect. An unlucky fate.

    88.11% (19.00)
  • Ryuki Chapter 4 Clear Shoma's Somnium The name is the reality, the reality is the name.

    88.39% (19.00)
  • Ryuki Chapter 5 Clear Iris's Somnium To be free from everything.

    87.16% (19.00)
  • Mizuki Chapter 1 Clear Kizuna's Somnium Color in the clouds. A sign of good fortune ahead.

    84.97% (20.00)
  • Mizuki Chapter 2 Clear Gen's Somnium Solid, unbreakable, stoic.

    84.29% (20.00)
  • Mizuki Chapter 3 Clear Masked Woman's Somnium No need to hesitate, there is only one destination.

    83.47% (20.00)
  • Mizuki Chapter 4 Clear Tearer's Somnium An undying grudge, permanence of loss and misfortune.

    82.92% (20.00)
  • Mizuki Chapter 4 Clear Lien's Somnium The pain of unfulfilled dreams, that which can never be.

    83.06% (20.00)
  • Mizuki Chapter 5 Clear Amame's Somnium Good begets good, evil begets evil.

    82.24% (20.00)
  • Clear Komeji/Shoma route.

    88.25% (19.00)
  • Clear Explosion route.

    87.16% (19.00)
  • Clear Resolution route.

    82.24% (20.00)
  • Clear Gen/Amame route.

    82.79% (20.00)
  • Clear Kizuna/Lien route.

    82.79% (20.00)
  • Clear Ryuki Chapter Diverge.

    78.83% (21.00)
  • Ryuki Chapter 3 Go to Atami with the Receptionist.

    85.52% (19.00)
  • Ryuki Chapter 1 Clear the VR section perfectly.

    64.62% (26.00)
  • Ryuki Chapter 2 Clear the VR section perfectly.

    62.70% (27.00)
  • Ryuki Chapter 4 Clear the VR section perfectly.

    74.86% (22.00)
  • Mizuki Chapter 1 Clear the VR section perfectly.

    79.78% (21.00)
  • Mizuki Chapter 2 Clear the VR section perfectly.

    72.95% (23.00)
  • Mizuki Chapter 3 Clear the VR section perfectly.

    68.03% (24.00)
  • Mizuki Chapter 4 Clear the VR section perfectly.

    76.64% (22.00)
  • Collect all Persons files.

    82.51% (20.00)
  • Collect more than 90 Appendix files.

    82.38% (20.00)
  • Collect more than 50 Trivia files.

    69.54% (24.00)
  • Complete the Dream Album.

    55.33% (30.00)
  • Find all the hidden eyeballs in Somnium. You're the master of hide-and-seek.

    55.60% (30.00)
  • Collect more than 20,000 eyeballs. Thank you for picking them all up!

    57.10% (29.00)
  • Collected all [Adult]-type Eyeballies.

    60.11% (28.00)
  • Mizuki Chapter 0 In Ryuki's Somnium, wear the pumpkin, loafers, and metal pipe. Shibuya style.

    59.70% (28.00)
  • Ryuki Chapter 4 Clear all quizzes during Amame's Somnium. It's not rigged, is it?

    69.67% (24.00)
  • Ryuki Chapter 5 Hatch the Black and White Bear and the Wanderer during Iris's Somnium.

    60.52% (27.00)
  • Ryuki Chapter 4 Almost get cursed by Adorooster during Shoma's Somnium. The chicken curse...

    67.76% (25.00)
  • Mizuki Chapter 1 Toss your shoe with maximum power during Kizuna's Somnium. You're a champion!

    72.68% (23.00)
  • Mizuki Chapter 2 Perform rank 3 cooking skill 3 times during Gen's Somnium.

    84.29% (20.00)
  • Mizuki Chapter 3 Clear M1 route with no game over and no QTE fails during Masked Woman's Somnium.

    72.27% (23.00)
  • Mizuki Chapter 5 Deduce everything perfectly during Amame's Somnium. Your accuracy is astounding!

    62.02% (27.00)
  • Mizuki Chapter 5 See Hanako during Amame's Somnium. Having any dark dreams of late?

    58.88% (28.00)
  • Inspect every object in Boss's room. My room is in the same state.

    66.53% (25.00)
  • Chat with the Inspector during Ryuki Chapter 0, 4, and 5 and Mizuki Chapter 0, 2, 4, and Epilogue.

    68.44% (24.00)
  • Mizuki Chapter 4 Give chocolate to the Detective, Officer, and Shoma. Give me one too please.

    70.77% (23.00)
  • Ryuki Chapter 1 Listen to Ryuki's weird song. No idea where he got that from.

    96.86% (17.00)
  • Clear the 3rd Class Cabin. No death game this time.

    72.27% (23.00)