• 220,679 Trophies Earned
  • 7,995 Players Tracked
  • 51 Total Trophies
  • 2,604 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 2,327 Platinum Club
  • 2,322 100% Club
Earned Date
  • You earned all other trophies.

    29.16% (86.00)
  • [STORY] View the opening movie.

    86.75% (29.00)
  • [STORY] Complete Stage 3.

    79.21% (32.00)
  • [STORY] Complete Stage 5.

    77.04% (33.00)
  • [STORY] Complete Stage 7.

    75.81% (33.00)
  • [STORY] Defat the final boss.

    67.05% (37.00)
  • [STORY] Defeat the final boss with all characters.

    35.66% (70.00)
  • [ANOTHER STORY] Complete Episode 00.

    55.00% (46.00)
  • [ANOTHER STORY] Complete Episode 03.

    49.73% (50.00)
  • [ANOTHER STORY] Complete Episode 05.

    49.07% (51.00)
  • [ANOTHER STORY] Complete Episode 09.

    48.93% (51.00)
  • [ANOTHER STORY] Complete Episode 10

    48.91% (51.00)
  • [TRAINING] Train for 5 minutes straight.

    65.25% (38.00)
  • [SCORE ATTACK] Meet the last boss.

    40.49% (62.00)
  • Performed a Counter Raid 3 times. (Offline only)

    34.70% (72.00)
  • Blocked an attack with Vanishing Guard 3 times. (Mid-Air or Ground. Offline only)

    57.42% (44.00)
  • Heavy Action: Held down the button long enough to trigger a Guard Crash 3 times. (Offline only)

    43.91% (57.00)
  • Heavy Action: Hit the enemy with a foot sweep 3 times. (Offline only)

    77.00% (33.00)
  • Quick Combo: Hit the enemy with an A attack, B attack, and C attack in a row. (Offline only)

    67.68% (37.00)
  • Escape Action: Performed a front dodge/mid-air dodge 3 times. (Offline only)

    85.37% (29.00)
  • Escape Action: Performed a small jump then hit the enemy with a jump attack. (Offline only)

    59.77% (42.00)
  • Escape Action: Cancelled attack and performed an escape action 3 times. (Offline only)

    73.63% (34.00)
  • Performed a Break-Fall or Mid-Air Recovery 3 times. (Offline only)

    91.81% (27.00)
  • Cancelled throw and performed an escape action 3 times. (Mid-Air or Ground. Offline only)

    40.88% (61.00)
  • Performed a Throw Escape 3 times. (Mid-Air or Ground. Offline only)

    38.81% (65.00)
  • Performed a Partner Blitz 3 times. (Offline only)

    87.54% (29.00)
  • Cancelled attack and performed a Partner Blitz 3 times. (Offline only)

    72.63% (35.00)
  • Performed an Infinite Blast while guarding or being attacked 3 times. (Offline only)

    67.80% (37.00)
  • Cancelled attack and performed an Infinite Blast 3 times. (Offline only)

    59.74% (42.00)
  • Triggered a Counter 3 times. (Offline only)

    92.17% (27.00)
  • Defeat your opponent with a Variable Rush. (Offline only)

    61.76% (41.00)
  • KO-ed the enemy with Akane Tsunemori's Eliminator. (Offline only)

    49.14% (51.00)
  • KO-ed the enemy with Ein's Colt Python. (Offline only)

    45.68% (55.00)
  • KO-ed the enemy with Mora's Child's Play. (Offline only)

    38.79% (65.00)
  • Used more than 10 types of moves in 1 combo. (Offline only)

    32.45% (77.00)
  • Performed more than 150 hits in 1 combo. (Offline only)

    38.91% (64.00)
  • Used both Variable Rush and Lethal Blaze in 1 combo. (Offline only)

    29.77% (84.00)
  • Used an Infinite Blast and 2 partners in 1 combo. (Offline only)

    34.07% (74.00)
  • Dealt more than 12000 damage in 1 combo. (Offline only)

    31.93% (79.00)
  • Used all partners. (Offline only)

    41.50% (60.00)
  • KO-ed the enemy with Ein's Lethal Blaze. (Offline only)

    45.52% (55.00)
  • KO-ed the enemy with Mora's Lethal Blaze. (Offline only)

    44.49% (56.00)
  • KO-ed the enemy with Ruili's Lethal Blaze. (Offline only)

    45.09% (56.00)
  • KO-ed the enemy with Al Azif's Lethal Blaze. (Offline only)

    44.52% (56.00)
  • KO-ed the enemy with Saya's Lethal Blaze. (Offline only)

    44.73% (56.00)
  • KO-ed the enemy with Ignis's Lethal Blaze. (Offline only)

    48.43% (52.00)
  • KO-ed the enemy with Anna's Lethal Blaze. (Offline only)

    41.63% (60.00)
  • KO-ed the enemy with Muramasa the 3rd's Lethal Blaze. (Offline only)

    46.35% (54.00)
  • KO-ed the enemy with Ethica Kibanohara's Lethal Blaze. (Offline only)

    37.57% (67.00)
  • KO-ed the enemy with Saber's Lethal Blaze. (Offline only)

    54.32% (46.00)
  • KO-ed the enemy with Ouka's Lethal Blaze. (Offline only)

    44.64% (56.00)