• 3,253 Trophies Earned
  • 252 Players Tracked
  • 13 Total Trophies
  • 52 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,320 Points
  • 250 Platinum Club
  • 250 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all other trophies.

    99.21% (4.00)
  • Clear stage 1 of Dakota.

    100.00% (4.00)
  • Clear stage 2 of Dakota.

    99.60% (4.00)
  • Clear stage 1 of Jules.

    99.21% (4.00)
  • Clear stage 2 of Jules.

    99.21% (4.00)
  • Clear stage 1 of Haru.

    99.21% (4.00)
  • Clear stage 2 of Haru.

    99.21% (4.00)
  • Clear stage 1 of Faren.

    99.21% (4.00)
  • Clear stage 2 of Faren.

    99.21% (4.00)
  • Clear stage 1 of Quincy.

    99.21% (4.00)
  • Clear stage 2 of Quincy.

    99.21% (4.00)
  • Clear stage 1 of Morgan.

    99.21% (4.00)
  • Clear stage 2 of Morgan.

    99.21% (4.00)