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  • 1 Players Tracked
  • 8 Total Achievements
  • 50 Obtainable EXP
  • 0 100% Club

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Store Description

You are a paranormal investigator, in this 3D Point-and-Click detective game; your job is to interact with anomalous objects to discover their supernatural effects.
These objects are quite unusual: Ancient monster possessions, cursed things, and possessed objects. All of them are unpredictable, and we don't really know what they are capable of.

However, you will not be alone on your journey. Brasa, your assistant will accompany you through the monitoring system. Using a messaging app, he'll be there to give you tips, make useful observations or just talk to you; he really likes to talk.
Your job also includes notifying your findings regarding objects to Brasa using a dialog system with different answer options.

The observations you choose to notify Brasa are very important! It's through them that you can ask pertinent questions and most importantly: Choosing dialogs with the wrong information can make you and Brasa come to the wrong conclusion, and when it comes to paranormal items, getting confused about what an object actually does can end up pretty bad for you.

Because some of these items are dangerous and others are not, you must find out which is which. Otherwise, you may end up turning into a monstrosity, being possessed by an inanimate object, or being attacked by a raging spirit.

And even if you're careful, still, something can go wrong, and you'll have to use your wits to figure out how to resolve life-or-death situations quickly.

It is possible to survive if you pay close attention, all supernatural items have a secret and different way of neutralizing them.