• 1,772 Achievements Earned
  • 94 Players Tracked
  • 74 Total Achievements
  • 11,586 Obtainable EXP
  • 4 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Live through 100 random attacks in the wild.

    88.30% (28.00)
  • You've helped one certain Eldest to play a joke! They are grateful.

    8.51% (294.00)
  • Clear the Stolen lands from bandit gangs and defeat the self-proclaimed bandit king.

    68.09% (37.00)
  • Find and save Tig, poor lost child.

    42.55% (59.00)
  • In chapter 1, kill the bear in the Temple of the Elk with single level 2 character, playing on Advanced difficulty or above.

    10.64% (235.00)
  • Succeed in all available companion quests and win the loyalty of your comrades.

    21.28% (118.00)
  • Turn three villains into your friends or servants.

    7.45% (336.00)
  • Use in battle any spell with 5 metamagic modifications applied.

    8.51% (294.00)
  • Raise all kingdom stats to the 10th rank.

    15.96% (157.00)
  • Win the favor of the Order of the Rack. Or of their enemy.

    20.21% (124.00)
  • Win the game!

    22.34% (112.00)
  • Win the game, playing on 'Last Azlanti' mode.

    6.38% (392.00)
  • Make the goblin merchant cry real tears.

    10.64% (235.00)
  • Explore the Stolen Lands and find all resource locations.

    11.70% (214.00)
  • Successfully solve 100 'opportunity' kingdom events.

    64.89% (39.00)
  • Make three special 'Good' story choices.

    57.45% (44.00)
  • Travel to the mysterious realm of the fey and face your destiny.

    22.34% (112.00)
  • Make three special 'Evil' story choices.

    15.96% (157.00)
  • Deal with the barbarian horde on your borders.

    28.72% (87.00)
  • Kill Kargad with sunlight.

    8.51% (294.00)
  • Unlock all five additional kingdom stats and assign leaders to respective positions.

    31.91% (78.00)
  • Make mites, kobolds and goblins worship your statue or your garment as their greatest relic.

    7.45% (336.00)
  • Make three special 'Chaotic' story choices.

    31.91% (78.00)
  • Win the favor of the most mysterious mentor from the most mysterious monk order.

    22.34% (112.00)
  • Leave any map, carrying 5000 lbs. without being encumbered.

    18.09% (138.00)
  • Knock down any creature that is 3 size categories larger than you.

    11.70% (214.00)
  • Make three special 'Neutral' story choices.

    54.26% (46.00)
  • Gather masterpiece works from all ten royal artisans.

    11.70% (214.00)
  • Deal with your fellow neighbor king and his appetite for your land.

    24.47% (102.00)
  • Succeed in three 'Kingdom as Companion' quests.

    12.77% (196.00)
  • Stop the troll invasion.

    56.38% (44.00)
  • Meet the legendary Eldest of Time three times. Or, rather, in three different times.

    23.40% (107.00)
  • You founded a barony in a wild, dangerous land. Good luck with that!

    67.02% (37.00)
  • Gather all Storyteller's artifacts.

    13.83% (181.00)
  • Solve the mystery and save your barony from an otherworldly threat.

    39.36% (64.00)
  • Win the game, playing on Unfair difficulty.

    8.51% (294.00)
  • Find and defeat the secret threat, locked in a magical prison in The Stolen Lands.

    18.09% (138.00)
  • You've unlocked the special secret ending of the game!

    12.77% (196.00)
  • Find your love.

    15.96% (157.00)
  • Inflict critical damage with a bow or crossbow while blinded.

    25.53% (98.00)
  • You survived the night attack on Jamandi Aldori mansion. What a nice way to start your adventure!

    97.87% (26.00)
  • Silence the voice of the lost empire.

    34.04% (74.00)
  • Successfully solve 100 'problem' kingdom events.

    64.89% (39.00)
  • Claim all available regions.

    19.15% (131.00)
  • Make the fey merchant adore you.

    12.77% (196.00)
  • Win the game, playing on 'Challenging' difficulty or above.

    9.57% (262.00)
  • Obtain an outstanding gift from one of your royal artisans.

    19.15% (131.00)
  • Deal more than 150 damage with a single unarmed attack.

    9.57% (262.00)
  • Get the grimoire from one remarkable hermit mage.

    18.09% (138.00)
  • Make three special 'Lawful' story choices.

    37.23% (67.00)
  • Increase the rank of at least one kingdom stat.

    60.64% (41.00)
  • Help the goblins compose their warsong!

    27.66% (90.00)
  • Win the main prize of the royal hunt fair and square, killing two magical beasts.

    36.17% (69.00)
  • Recruit all available companions.

    40.43% (62.00)
  • You are now the one and only ruler of your very own kingdom!

    27.66% (90.00)
  • Collect all pieces of an ancient artifact and let the Storyteller reforge it for you.

    28.72% (87.00)
  • Claim all available regions and develop them to their maximum potential.

    17.02% (147.00)
  • Face and defeat the one final enemy.

    21.28% (118.00)
  • Help the mysterious tiefling guest in her hunt for the ancient treasure.

    42.55% (59.00)
  • Slay the Forefather.

    15.96% (157.00)
  • Kill the Soul Eater, saving all three Sweet Teeth.

    15.96% (157.00)
  • Resolve the first crisis in Varnhold's history.

    20.21% (124.00)
  • Complete the "Varnhold's Lot" DLC campaign.

    18.09% (138.00)
  • Visit Lostlarn Keep while playing the main story campaign.

    17.02% (147.00)
  • Uncover the secrets of the Blackstones Ford inn.

    15.96% (157.00)
  • Unite Maegar Varn with his beloved.

    10.64% (235.00)
  • You knew it was coming, didn't you?

    10.64% (235.00)
  • Find out the truth and eliminate the source of the threat Beneath the Stolen Lands while playing in rogue-like mode.

    6.38% (392.00)
  • Find out the truth and eliminate the source of the threat Beneath the Stolen Lands while playing the main campaign.

    7.45% (336.00)
  • Reach the 10th dungeon level Beneath the Stolen Lands.

    20.21% (124.00)
  • Reach the 30th dungeon level Beneath the Stolen Lands while playing in rogue-like mode.

    20.21% (124.00)
  • Reach the 50th dungeon level Beneath the Stolen Lands while playing in rogue-like mode.

    20.21% (124.00)
  • Help the Honest Guy to expand his assortment of goods by cleaning the dungeon from the most dangerous monsters.

    4.26% (587.00)
  • Die for the first time while playing 'Beneath the Stolen Lands' in a rogue-like mode.

    9.57% (262.00)