• 577 Achievements Earned
  • 122 Players Tracked
  • 5 Total Achievements
  • 50 Obtainable EXP
  • 106 100% Club
Earned Date
  • You receive this achievement when the first customer buys something for their pet at your pet store. It's the moment your business truly starts to operate.

    96.72% (10.00)
  • You receive this achievement after completing the tutorial. It shows that you now have the basics to expand your pet store.

    92.62% (10.00)
  • Achievement for hiring your first employee in your pet store. It's a step towards growth and delegating tasks.

    99.18% (10.00)
  • You receive this achievement when you pet an animal for the first time on the sales floor in your pet store. It's a moment that builds a bond between you and the animals you offer.

    94.26% (10.00)
  • Achievement for getting through the first day of work in the pet store. It symbolizes your first experiences and successes as a store owner.

    90.16% (10.00)