• 569 Achievements Earned
  • 25 Players Tracked
  • 32 Total Achievements
  • 1,056 Obtainable EXP
  • 13 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Take a photo of the water.

    76.00% (31.00)
  • Take a photo of the tree.

    84.00% (28.00)
  • Take a photo of the tower.

    80.00% (29.00)
  • Ice

    Take a photo of the ice.

    60.00% (39.00)
  • Take a photo of the locator.

    64.00% (36.00)
  • Take a photo of the wireless.

    68.00% (34.00)
  • Take a photo of the portal.

    68.00% (34.00)
  • Take a photo of the church.

    72.00% (32.00)
  • Take a photo of the ship.

    72.00% (32.00)
  • Take a photo of the wrecked ship.

    64.00% (36.00)
  • Take a photo of the castle.

    72.00% (32.00)
  • Take a photo of the bones.

    64.00% (36.00)
  • Take a photo of the computer.

    68.00% (34.00)
  • Take a selfie.

    76.00% (31.00)
  • Take a photo underwater.

    92.00% (25.00)
  • Take a photo from a high mountain.

    60.00% (39.00)
  • Take a photo of the toilet.

    68.00% (34.00)
  • TV

    Take a photo of the TV.

    56.00% (42.00)
  • Take a photo of the sign.

    64.00% (36.00)
  • Take a photo of the mushrooms.

    84.00% (28.00)
  • Take a photo of the flowers.

    76.00% (31.00)
  • Take a photo of the flag.

    72.00% (32.00)
  • Take a photo of the arrow.

    72.00% (32.00)
  • Take a photo of the house.

    80.00% (29.00)
  • Take a photo of the cabine.

    72.00% (32.00)
  • Take a photo of the lightpost.

    76.00% (31.00)
  • Take a photo of the snowman.

    68.00% (34.00)
  • Take a photo of the sled.

    64.00% (36.00)
  • Take a photo of the dron.

    72.00% (32.00)
  • Take a photo of the stall.

    68.00% (34.00)
  • Take a photo of the fountain.

    68.00% (34.00)
  • Take a photo of the boat.

    76.00% (31.00)