• 2,225 Trophies Earned
  • 234 Players Tracked
  • 27 Total Trophies
  • 8,897 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,290 Points
  • 0 Platinum Club
  • 0 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Collect all of the other trophies

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Serve a steak to a customer

    97.86% (4.00)
  • Serve a stir fry to a customer

    17.09% (527.00)
  • Serve a pizza to a customer

    75.64% (119.00)
  • Serve a salad to a customer

    81.62% (5.00)
  • Serve a pie to a customer

    41.45% (217.00)
  • Serve a fish to a customer

    32.91% (274.00)
  • Serve a hotdog to a customer

    25.64% (351.00)
  • Serve a breakfast to a customer

    22.65% (398.00)
  • Serve a burger to a customer

    55.98% (161.00)
  • Complete a day when the restaurant has been on fire for more than 15 seconds

    24.79% (363.00)
  • Complete a day with 10 appliances on fire at once

    11.54% (781.00)
  • Serve a customer with less than a second to spare

    57.26% (157.00)
  • Complete a day with a mess on at least 10 tiles

    84.62% (4.00)
  • Set a customer on fire

    12.39% (727.00)
  • Cook something on a Danger Hob with an activated Gas Safety Override

    14.10% (639.00)
  • Wear Trainers while holding a Sharp Knife

    16.24% (555.00)
  • Convey an item back to where it started

    12.39% (727.00)
  • Activate Practice Mode during preparation time

    73.08% (123.00)
  • Create a franchise

    46.58% (193.00)
  • Reach Overtime Day 5

    29.91% (301.00)
  • Reach Overtime Day 10

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Reach Overtime Day 15

    0.00% (0.00)
  • Throw away a cooked fish in the tutorial

    35.90% (251.00)
  • Complete a day without anyone serving a customer directly

    6.41% (1406.00)
  • Have the first group to arrive still be waiting to order when the day ends

    54.70% (165.00)
  • Complete a day without any player leaving the tile they started on

    20.09% (449.00)