• 521,453 Trophies Earned
  • 79,508 Players Tracked
  • 38 Total Trophies
  • 26,610 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 816 Platinum Club
  • 816 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Acquire all trophies.

    1.03% (2730.00)
  • Win a game 10 times.

    5.31% (530.00)
  • Obtain a Chicken Dinner in Solo.

    8.46% (332.00)
  • Obtain a Chicken Dinner in Duos.

    14.12% (199.00)
  • Obtain a Chicken Dinner in Squads.

    26.71% (105.00)
  • Reach the top 10 10 times.

    19.15% (147.00)
  • Reach the top 10 without killing anyone.

    46.49% (60.00)
  • Kill 200 players with a shotgun, a submachine gun, and/or a pistol.

    1.92% (1465.00)
  • Kill 50 players with a shotgun, a submachine gun, and/or a pistol.

    5.80% (485.00)
  • Kill 10 players with a shotgun, a submachine gun, and/or a pistol.

    20.94% (134.00)
  • Kill 100 players with an assault rifle and/or a sniper rifle from over 100 meters away.

    5.29% (532.00)
  • Kill 30 players with an assault rifle and/or a sniper rifle from over 100 meters away.

    13.24% (212.00)
  • Kill 10 players with an assault rifle and/or a sniper rifle from over 100 meters away.

    25.90% (109.00)
  • Kill 50 players with grenades.

    1.26% (2232.00)
  • Kill 30 players with grenades.

    1.45% (1939.00)
  • Kill 10 players with grenades.

    2.30% (1223.00)
  • Kill 1000 players by any means.

    1.83% (1537.00)
  • Kill 100 players by any means.

    10.75% (262.00)
  • Kill 10 players by any means.

    41.68% (67.00)
  • Kill a player by any means.

    93.27% (30.00)
  • Kill 20 players with bare hands.

    1.85% (1520.00)
  • Kill at least 4 players in a single match.

    43.06% (65.00)
  • Headshot and kill 10 enemy players with a sniper rifle.

    4.30% (654.00)
  • Equip a Lv.3 Helmet, Military Vest, and Backpack in 10 matches.

    3.85% (730.00)
  • Get the first kill of a match.

    22.32% (126.00)
  • Kill 10 players with the crossbow.

    1.30% (2163.00)
  • Loot 50 items from the carepackage.

    5.05% (557.00)
  • Kill 50 players with suppressed weapons.

    3.00% (937.00)
  • Equip a ghillie suit for the first time.

    17.27% (163.00)
  • Jump out from an airplane 101 times.

    10.09% (279.00)
  • Kill 10 players with a gun while in a vehicle.

    1.67% (1684.00)
  • Revive a knocked-downed teammate.

    54.95% (51.00)
  • Equip a suppressed weapon in every weapon slot.

    4.60% (611.00)
  • Kill another player with the frying pan.

    6.36% (442.00)
  • Kill 10 players by hitting them with a vehicle.

    2.01% (1399.00)
  • Wear the outfit of a dead player.

    76.25% (37.00)
  • Get into a vehicle with an enemy player.

    3.50% (803.00)
  • Charge your boost gauge to the max with energy drink and painkiller overdose.

    47.51% (59.00)