• 489,117 Trophies Earned
  • 80,730 Players Tracked
  • 46 Total Trophies
  • 22,588 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 1,115 Platinum Club
  • 1,115 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlocked after all other trophies are unlocked

    1.38% (1357.00)
  • As the Predator, gather a total of 100 full trophies from Fireteam bodies (Long Claims)

    2.00% (936.00)
  • As the Predator, Successfully Arm and Detonate your self destruct mechanism

    35.43% (53.00)
  • As a Fireteam member, work with your team to kill a Predator

    11.62% (161.00)
  • As a Fireteam member, get 1000 head shots on AI enemies

    1.83% (1023.00)
  • As the Predator, claim 100 Fireteam member trophies (Any Claims)

    3.21% (583.00)
  • As the Predator, claim 500 Fireteam member trophies (Any Claims)

    1.66% (1128.00)
  • As the Predator, claim 1000 Fireteam member trophies (Any Claims)

    1.50% (1248.00)
  • As the Predator, heal yourself when the Fireteam is within 50m of you

    27.44% (68.00)
  • Wound a Predator so it leaves a green blood trail

    77.75% (24.00)
  • As the Predator, Kill an entire Fireteam with just your wrist blades

    3.33% (562.00)
  • Successfully secure 25 Predator bodies for the OWLF

    2.48% (755.00)
  • As a Fireteam member, cover yourself in Mud completely 50 times

    11.62% (161.00)
  • Play 100 Quick play matches as a Fireteam member

    3.66% (512.00)
  • As the Predator, Trap 50 Fireteam members in bear traps

    2.19% (855.00)
  • As a Fireteam member, Revive teammates 100 times

    2.11% (887.00)
  • As the Predator, leap and hit all 4 Fireteam members with a single leap attack

    3.08% (608.00)
  • As the Predator, knock down a Fireteam member while your energy is overloaded

    15.56% (120.00)
  • As a Fireteam member, complete 100 missions with successful Exfils

    1.67% (1121.00)
  • As a Fireteam member, successfully Exfil with the entire team alive after completing a mission

    40.90% (46.00)
  • As a Fireteam member, successfully defuse a dead Predator's self destruct mechanism

    4.38% (427.00)
  • As a Fireteam member, free a teammate from a Predator's net

    5.41% (346.00)
  • As a Predator, trap 50 Fireteam members with the Net Gun

    2.67% (701.00)
  • As a Fireteam member, unleash Mini Gun mayhem until completely depleting ammunition

    2.91% (643.00)
  • As the Predator, hit a Fireteam member with a combistick throw over 100m

    2.28% (821.00)
  • Complete the tutorial level

    52.32% (36.00)
  • Play 50 matches as the Predator

    2.95% (635.00)
  • As the Predator, Travel a total of 100 KM in the trees

    1.53% (1224.00)
  • As the Predator, perform a finisher on a wounded fireteam member

    33.69% (56.00)
  • As a Fireteam member, find an OWLF tape

    21.70% (86.00)
  • Kill 50 wild boars

    3.91% (479.00)
  • As a Fireteam member, take down a PMC heavy soldier by yourself

    35.13% (53.00)
  • Destroy 250 Explosive Barrels

    2.10% (892.00)
  • As a Fireteam member, Reinforce your entire team back into the match

    30.52% (61.00)
  • As a Fireteam member, escape as the sole survivor

    18.42% (102.00)
  • As the Predator, kill 500 AI Soldiers

    1.81% (1034.00)
  • Reach Player Level 25

    22.81% (82.00)
  • Reach Player level 50

    10.37% (181.00)
  • Reach Player level 100

    3.60% (520.00)
  • Kill 5 AI with a single explosion

    22.41% (84.00)
  • As the Predator, have your mask destroyed by the Fireteam, but still kill them all

    6.98% (268.00)
  • As the Predator, kill the entire Fireteam before they complete their main mission

    23.10% (81.00)
  • As a Fireteam member, knock off the Predator's Helmet

    32.89% (57.00)
  • As the Predator, hit more than 1 Fireteam Member in a single smart disc throw

    4.64% (404.00)
  • As a Fireteam member, shoot down 100 Tree cover branches

    4.00% (468.00)
  • As the Predator, kill the entire Fireteam while they are waiting for the exfiltration chopper

    2.93% (639.00)