Get to the boss level with no deaths
Beat an episode in 5 minutes
Get Speed and Flawless Run in every level of episode
Do you like these glitches?
Get to the hall of seals
Free Icarus
Meet the Princess
Meet Ric da Fi$h
Meet JC
Meet Chronicorn
Defeat Baphomet
Score million points in total
Collect 100 heart items
Collect 30 timer items
Beat 9 levels in a row without losing shield
Beat a level with no touching walls
Beat a level witþ €\À,Ñ»ÔßGð]
Beät 10 levèls шþŒ úàÐüäobÛèû7Ë
Bãú‡ 2‡_DáQÝÈ _šòà AT¡Jr\àJòLnÙZ
Collect 30 lives