• 50,569 Trophies Earned
  • 4,229 Players Tracked
  • 43 Total Trophies
  • 6,807 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,290 Points
  • 400 Platinum Club
  • 399 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Acquired all trophies

    9.46% (361.00)
  • Played all 5 Arcade modes

    39.91% (86.00)
  • Defeated 3 opponents in an Endurance match

    36.65% (93.00)
  • Defeated 5 opponents in an Endurance match

    32.06% (107.00)
  • Defeated 10 opponents in an Endurance match

    26.77% (128.00)
  • Played all 3 Puyo Puyo Challenge modes

    27.26% (125.00)
  • Played all 3 Tetris Challenge modes

    31.12% (110.00)
  • Completed the main story within Adventure mode and watched the ending

    18.02% (190.00)
  • Won your first Puzzle League match

    24.95% (137.00)
  • Won your first Free Play match

    22.23% (154.00)
  • Achieved 50% completion in Adventure mode

    26.34% (130.00)
  • Defeated 15 opponents in an Endurance match

    22.79% (150.00)
  • Achieved 70% completion in Adventure mode

    19.63% (174.00)
  • Won 10 Puzzle League matches

    15.56% (220.00)
  • Achieved 100% completion in Adventure mode

    14.16% (241.00)
  • Popped 1,000 Puyos in completed matches

    71.22% (48.00)
  • Popped 10,000 Puyos in completed matches

    26.96% (127.00)
  • Performed a 3-Chain 100 times in completed matches

    30.03% (114.00)
  • Performed a 4-Chain 100 times in completed matches

    22.27% (153.00)
  • Performed a 5-Chain 100 times in completed matches

    18.63% (183.00)
  • Performed a 6-Chain 100 times in completed matches

    16.58% (206.00)
  • Performed an All Clear 50 times in completed matches

    19.91% (172.00)
  • Performed an All Clear 100 times in completed matches

    15.51% (220.00)
  • Popped 3 different-colored Puyo groups simultaneously in a completed match

    30.69% (111.00)
  • Popped 4 different-colored Puyo groups simultaneously in a completed match

    12.96% (264.00)
  • Popped 50,000 Puyos in completed matches

    11.78% (290.00)
  • Performed a 7-Chain 150 times in completed matches

    13.69% (250.00)
  • Performed an All Clear 150 times in completed matches

    13.79% (248.00)
  • Popped 100,000 Puyos in completed matches

    10.38% (329.00)
  • Cleared 1,000 Minos in completed matches

    97.61% (35.00)
  • Cleared 10,000 Minos in completed matches

    58.03% (59.00)
  • Performed a Tetris Line Clear 50 times in completed matches

    52.83% (65.00)
  • Performed a Tetris Line Clear 100 times in completed matches

    40.36% (85.00)
  • Performed a Back-to-Back 25 times in completed matches

    40.17% (85.00)
  • Performed a Back-to-Back 50 times in completed matches

    31.07% (110.00)
  • Performed a 5-Combo in a completed match

    42.66% (80.00)
  • Performed an 8-Combo in a completed match

    16.95% (202.00)
  • Performed a Perfect Clear in a completed match

    24.54% (139.00)
  • Performed a Perfect Clear 3 times in completed matches

    14.61% (234.00)
  • Cleared 50,000 Minos in completed matches

    26.44% (129.00)
  • Performed a Tetris Line Clear 200 times in completed matches

    28.47% (120.00)
  • Performed a Back-to-Back 100 times in completed matches

    23.39% (146.00)
  • Cleared 100,000 Minos in completed matches

    17.31% (197.00)