• 1,029,993 Trophies Earned
  • 49,449 Players Tracked
  • 61 Total Trophies
  • 13,666 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,515 Points
  • 6,339 Platinum Club
  • 1,531 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Earn all 50 Trophies

    12.87% (286.00)
  • Construct 10 Engineering Items

    69.00% (53.00)
  • Construct 50 Engineering Items

    47.78% (77.00)
  • Get 3 kills with a single Sentry Bot

    41.27% (89.00)
  • Kill 3 Enemies with one RC Bomb Car

    29.57% (125.00)
  • Get 5 kills with one deployed Sentry Turret

    31.79% (116.00)
  • Kill 100 Enemies with Sentry Bots, Sentry Turrets, or RC Bomb Cars

    23.97% (154.00)
  • Kill an Authority Enforcer during Jetpack descent

    45.04% (82.00)
  • Stealth kill 10 Enemies with the Striker Crossbow

    30.60% (120.00)
  • Kill at least 3 Enemies with a single Mind Controlled Enemy

    25.48% (145.00)
  • Get 10 Headshot kills with the Wingstick

    54.68% (67.00)
  • Get 10 Headshot kills with the Sniper Rifle

    68.16% (54.00)
  • Perform all 18 Vehicle Jumps

    20.88% (176.00)
  • Collect all Playing Cards on one play-through

    16.33% (226.00)
  • Collect all Recipes and Schematics in one play-through

    24.91% (148.00)
  • Beat Teague's hardest Deck

    23.52% (157.00)
  • Roll 4 Targets in the first round of Tombstones

    35.68% (103.00)
  • Complete the final round of 5 Finger Filet

    19.04% (193.00)
  • Complete the final round of Strum

    20.94% (176.00)
  • Win all Minigames

    21.92% (168.00)
  • Win a Race in the Campaign

    80.79% (46.00)
  • Win all Races in the Campaign

    24.18% (152.00)
  • Destroy 100 Enemy Cars

    42.47% (87.00)
  • Score each of the 3 Field Goals from the ATV

    21.43% (172.00)
  • Run over 10 Mutants

    37.94% (97.00)
  • Complete Ghost Hideout in the Campaign

    97.96% (38.00)
  • Complete Wasted Garage in the Campaign

    86.67% (42.00)
  • Complete Mutant Bash TV in the Campaign

    71.55% (51.00)
  • Complete Dead City in the Campaign

    65.58% (56.00)
  • Complete The Well in the Campaign

    61.64% (60.00)
  • Complete Shrouded Bunker in the Campaign

    65.29% (56.00)
  • Complete Dead City Reverse in the Campaign

    56.75% (65.00)
  • Complete Authority Prison in the Campaign

    58.92% (63.00)
  • Complete Gearhead Vault in the Campaign

    52.64% (70.00)
  • Complete Power Plant in the Campaign

    49.99% (74.00)
  • Complete Jackal Canyon in the Campaign

    48.34% (76.00)
  • Complete Blue Line Station in the Campaign

    54.75% (67.00)
  • Earn 750 Dollars in one episode of Bash TV in the Campaign

    27.49% (134.00)
  • Complete 5 Job Board Quests in one play-through

    43.77% (84.00)
  • Find the secret Developer Graffiti Room

    25.04% (147.00)
  • Finish the Campaign on any difficulty

    46.77% (79.00)
  • Finish the Campaign on at least Normal difficulty

    38.04% (97.00)
  • Finish the Campaign on at least Hard difficulty

    20.68% (178.00)
  • Finish the Campaign on Nightmare difficulty

    18.05% (204.00)
  • Reach 100% Completion in the Campaign

    15.15% (243.00)
  • Complete a Legend of the Wasteland

    35.45% (104.00)
  • Complete all Legends of the Wasteland

    19.93% (185.00)
  • Complete a Legend of the Wasteland on Nightmare difficulty

    21.01% (175.00)
  • Complete a Legend of the Wasteland without any player(s) becoming incapacitated

    21.73% (169.00)
  • Complete a public Road RAGE match

    34.98% (105.00)
  • MVP

    Get first place in a public Road RAGE match

    24.63% (150.00)

RAGEĀ® The Scorchers DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Finish the Campaign on Ultra Nightmare difficulty

    3.26% (1130.00)
  • Complete Hagar Caves in The Scorchers job path

    6.41% (575.00)
  • Complete Refinery in The Scorchers job path

    5.77% (638.00)
  • Complete Bash Canyon in The Scorchers job path

    5.31% (694.00)
  • Complete Scorcher Base in the The Scorchers job path

    5.10% (722.00)
  • Bet and win on Green in the Roly-Poly minigame

    4.53% (813.00)
  • Win with a Four of a Kind in the Video Poker minigame

    4.40% (837.00)
  • Kill 2 enemies with one Railgun Slug shot through a wall

    4.34% (849.00)
  • Pin an enemy to a surface with a Rebar ammo shot

    5.59% (659.00)
  • Complete Wellspring Tunnels in The Scorchers job path

    5.20% (708.00)