• 73,764 Trophies Earned
  • 6,784 Players Tracked
  • 38 Total Trophies
  • 10,993 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,335 Points
  • 314 Platinum Club
  • 314 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all Trophies

    4.63% (804.00)
  • Play Story mode for the first time!

    100.00% (37.00)
  • Defeat Stage 1's boss! (Story mode, Normal difficulty or higher)

    77.37% (48.00)
  • Defeat Stage 2's boss! (Story mode, Normal difficulty or higher)

    64.20% (58.00)
  • Defeat Stage 3's boss! (Story mode, Normal difficulty or higher)

    54.44% (68.00)
  • Defeat Stage 4's boss! (Story mode, Normal difficulty or higher)

    47.91% (78.00)
  • Defeat Stage 5's boss! (Story mode, Normal difficulty or higher)

    44.87% (83.00)
  • Defeat Stage 6's boss! (Story mode, Normal difficulty or higher)

    42.94% (87.00)
  • Defeat Stage 7's boss! (Story mode, Normal difficulty or higher)

    38.40% (97.00)
  • Defeat Stage 8's boss! (Story mode, Normal difficulty or higher)

    37.65% (99.00)
  • Pass through all S Routes! (Story mode, any difficulty)

    19.38% (192.00)
  • See all possible endings! (Story mode, any difficulty)

    4.98% (747.00)
  • Unlock all Story mode routes! (Story mode, any difficulty)

    6.74% (552.00)
  • Through all S routes and complete game without using any continues.(Story mode, Easy difficulty or higher)

    4.94% (753.00)
  • Deal the final blow to a boss using a bomb! (Story mode, Easy difficulty or higher)

    44.12% (84.00)
  • Defeat 1000 enemies using bombs! (Any game mode, any difficulty)

    14.68% (254.00)
  • Destroy 1000 destructible projectiles! (Any game mode, any difficulty)

    34.91% (107.00)
  • Rescue 100 fairies! (Any game mode, any difficulty)

    5.26% (708.00)
  • Complete all stages using the same main weapon! (Story mode, Easy difficulty or higher)

    12.50% (298.00)
  • Destroy 100 Sols! (Any game mode, any difficulty)

    5.00% (744.00)
  • Unlock the entire Gallery!

    42.19% (88.00)
  • Take 300 hits from enemy fire! (Any game mode, any difficulty)

    20.87% (178.00)
  • Get a score of 10,000,000 points or more! (Story mode, any difficulty)

    26.58% (140.00)
  • Get a score of 30,000,000 points or more!

    16.36% (228.00)
  • Get a score of 80,000,000 points or more! (Story mode, any difficulty)

    9.89% (376.00)
  • Collect 1000 medals! (Any game mode, any difficulty)

    6.75% (551.00)
  • Rescue all hidden Miklas in a single playthrough! (Story mode, Easy difficulty or higher)

    17.22% (216.00)
  • Clear the game using every aircraft! (Story mode, Easy difficulty or higher)

    9.21% (404.00)
  • Raise the Flash Shot multiplier to the maximum! (Any game mode, Easy difficulty or higher)

    73.19% (51.00)
  • Clear Stage 1 without taking damage! (Story mode, Very Hard difficulty)

    9.99% (373.00)
  • Defeat Stage 6's boss within 1 minute! (Story mode, normal difficulty or higher)

    36.88% (101.00)
  • Trigger 30 Cheer events! (Story mode, any difficulty)

    52.79% (71.00)
  • Item carrier Destroy 500 planes!(Story mode, Easy and over)

    5.26% (708.00)
  • Destroy 10 supercars! (Story mode, any difficulty)

    9.29% (401.00)
  • Destroy 1000 pieces of debris in Stage 7! (Story mode, Easy difficulty or higher)

    6.34% (587.00)
  • Raise your weapon level to lv. 10 at the start of Stage 1! (Story mode, Easy difficulty or higher)

    49.48% (75.00)
  • Get 500 bronze medal!(Story mode, any difficulty)

    19.10% (195.00)
  • Get 20 gold medal!(Story mode, Easy and over)

    10.58% (352.00)