• 1,171 Trophies Earned
  • 189 Players Tracked
  • 35 Total Trophies
  • 26,189 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,470 Points
  • 22 Platinum Club
  • 2 100% Club
Earned Date

Downpour DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • A final charitable act

    5.82% (968.00)
  • You have found another way out

    2.65% (2126.00)
  • You return from scouting a new land

    7.41% (760.00)
  • The consequences of your journey have caught up with you

    8.47% (665.00)
  • Fates have been flipped

    7.94% (710.00)
  • You have delivered your most important message

    5.82% (968.00)
  • Everything comes full circle

    5.29% (1065.00)
  • You completed every challenge laid before you.

    1.06% (5315.00)
  • You completed every expedition laid before you.

    1.59% (3544.00)
  • Path of self-sacrifice

    4.23% (1332.00)
  • Great strides have been made

    9.52% (592.00)
  • Listened to the conflation of echoes

    7.94% (710.00)
  • Followed your parental instincts

    5.29% (1065.00)