• 1,521 Trophies Earned
  • 145 Players Tracked
  • 13 Total Trophies
  • 542 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,320 Points
  • 107 Platinum Club
  • 107 100% Club

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Store Description

After the fall of Ravengard, the world descended into chaos. The Kingdom of Tyreas stood alone against a sea of dark elven invaders. The Ravensword was lost, and the dark times began. As a descendant of an ancient line of kings, you alone have the power to wield the Ravensword again and restore that which was lost.

Explore a vast and richly detailed world, gather powerful weapons and items, increase your skills, and follow a deep storyline to solve the mysteries of the Kingdom of Tyreas.

Seamlessly switch between First and Third Person view while mastering different skills, making quest-altering and reputation-altering decisions!

* Numerous options for character customization and completing quests
* Battle various enemy types including huge pre-historic creatures
* Decision based, multi-part Quests
* Use various weapons like bows, axes, and swords
* Reflex and precision-based combat with blocking and dodging