• 11,005 Trophies Earned
  • 1,180 Players Tracked
  • 22 Total Trophies
  • 4,818 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,260 Points
  • 176 Platinum Club
  • 175 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Earn all other trophies like the hero you are

    14.92% (494.00)
  • Get 100 kills

    89.49% (4.00)
  • Get 500 kills

    57.80% (127.00)
  • Get 1000 kills

    40.59% (182.00)
  • Get 20 melee kills

    72.03% (102.00)
  • Knock off 50 masks

    29.83% (247.00)
  • Complete a two-player operation

    61.10% (121.00)
  • Complete a daily operation

    61.02% (121.00)
  • Complete a daily training session

    38.98% (189.00)
  • Revive yourself five times

    56.86% (130.00)
  • Revive another player five times

    28.39% (260.00)
  • Survive 5 waves in lockdown mode

    31.86% (231.00)
  • Survive 10 waves in lockdown mode

    21.27% (346.00)
  • Reach level 14

    20.93% (352.00)
  • Complete a case

    25.59% (288.00)
  • Complete a case on Hard difficulty

    15.25% (483.00)
  • Clear a room while in slow-mo 10 times

    72.46% (102.00)
  • Knock down a criminal sliding into a room

    55.08% (134.00)
  • Get a kill with a side arm, tactical weapon, and a grenade in the same room

    32.54% (226.00)
  • Neutralise three or more criminals with one sting grenade in the same room

    39.15% (188.00)
  • Finish three operations losing less than 10% health

    44.92% (164.00)
  • Purchase all the weapons

    22.54% (327.00)