• 5,403,694 Trophies Earned
  • 173,622 Players Tracked
  • 125 Total Trophies
  • 13,226 Obtainable EXP
  • 2,310 Points
  • 12,317 Platinum Club
  • 4,624 100% Club
Earned Date

Endurance DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Endurance Challenge: Collect at least 10 Artifacts

    5.47% (195.00)
  • Endurance Challenge: Open 5 Codices or Sarcophagi without getting caught in a trap

    3.78% (282.00)
  • Endurance Challenge: Destroy 3 ceiling spike traps after being caught in them

    4.64% (230.00)
  • Endurance Challenge: Eat the meat of 5 birds, squirrels or rabbits that were killed with fire

    4.95% (216.00)
  • Endurance Challenge: Eat the meat of 5 wolves that were killed with poison damage

    4.30% (248.00)
  • Endurance Challenge: Escape the forest on day 1, without recovering any artifacts

    5.04% (212.00)
  • Endurance Challenge: Escape the forest after surviving for 7 days

    4.20% (254.00)
  • Endurance Challenge: Escape the forest after surviving 10 days, with at least 10 Relics

    4.14% (258.00)
  • Endurance Challenge: Survive for 5 days

    4.52% (236.00)
  • Endurance Challenge: Survive for 7 days

    4.34% (246.00)
  • Endurance Challenge: Survive for 10 days

    4.20% (254.00)
  • Endurance Challenge: Warm up from freezing by standing in fire

    4.70% (227.00)
  • Endurance Challenge: Locate 5 crypts

    4.57% (233.00)

Baba Yaga DLC trophies

Earned Date

Cold Darkness DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Cold Darkness Challenge: Collect all 8 documents

    4.82% (221.00)
  • Cold Darkness Challenge: Kill 20 enemies with Dragonfire Shotgun Rounds

    4.96% (215.00)
  • Cold Darkness Challenge: Pick up 6 different weapons

    4.96% (215.00)
  • Cold Darkness Challenge: Get 5 headshots with the regular arrows in 1:00

    4.70% (227.00)
  • Cold Darkness Challenge: Open 6 upgrade pry chests

    4.55% (234.00)
  • Cold Darkness Challenge: Rescue 6 prisoners

    5.48% (195.00)
  • Cold Darkness Challenge: Shutdown all the towers without making any mistakes

    4.59% (232.00)
  • Cold Darkness Challenge: Complete Cold Darkness

    6.82% (156.00)
  • Cold Darkness Challenge: Kill 75 enemies in a single Cold Darkness run

    5.22% (204.00)
  • Cold Darkness Challenge: Complete Cold Darkness without dying

    4.78% (223.00)

Croft Manor DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Croft Manor: Collect all of the Documents in Croft Manor

    16.43% (65.00)
  • Croft Manor: Destroy a Skull of Rage in Lara’s Nightmare

    16.26% (66.00)
  • Croft Manor: Defeat 100 enemies in Lara's Nightmare

    11.53% (93.00)
  • Croft Manor: Collect all of the Relics in Croft Manor

    13.92% (77.00)
  • Croft Manor: Acquire the Master Key

    27.78% (38.00)
  • Croft Manor: Finish the Blood Ties story

    24.86% (43.00)
  • Croft Manor: Open Lord Croft's Safe

    26.17% (41.00)
  • Croft Manor: Collect 50% of the Documents in Croft Manor

    27.16% (39.00)
  • Croft Manor: Collect 50% of the Relics in Croft Manor

    27.42% (39.00)
  • Croft Manor: Finish Lara's Nightmare

    10.56% (101.00)

Endurance Co-op DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Endurance Co-op Challenge: Eat the meat of 3 bears with your partner

    5.23% (204.00)
  • Endurance Co-op Challenge: Eat the meat of 3 wolves with your partner

    6.60% (162.00)
  • Endurance Co-op Challenge: Escape the forest with 5 Medium and Large Artifacts

    3.44% (310.00)
  • Endurance Co-op Challenge: Kill a combined total of 10 dangerous animals in a single Expedition

    4.24% (252.00)
  • Endurance Co-op Challenge: Kill a combined total of 25 enemies in a single Expedition

    4.42% (241.00)
  • Endurance Co-op Challenge: Revive a player 3 times in a single expedition

    3.84% (278.00)
  • Endurance Co-op Challenge: Kill an enemy melee attacking your partner

    3.81% (280.00)
  • Endurance Co-op Challenge: Spend at least one day more than 60 meters apart

    3.87% (276.00)
  • Endurance Co-op Challenge: Kill 5 enemies that have been marked by your partner

    3.87% (276.00)
  • Endurance Co-op Challenge: Escape the forest after surviving 10 days with at least 20 Artifacts

    3.71% (288.00)
  • Endurance Co-op Challenge: Clear 3 Enemy Camps at night in a single expedition

    4.33% (246.00)
  • Endurance Co-op Challenge: Warm up from freezing by standing next to a campfire lit by your partner

    3.93% (271.00)
  • Endurance Co-op Challenge: Collect an Artifact while your partner is down

    3.81% (280.00)