• 141,899 Trophies Earned
  • 8,916 Players Tracked
  • 62 Total Trophies
  • 14,605 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,515 Points
  • 260 Platinum Club
  • 215 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Earn every available trophy in Rock Band 4 to become a true rock 'n' roll legend!

    2.92% (1106.00)
  • Earn 5 Stars on a song in Quickplay mode.

    83.74% (39.00)
  • Earn 5 Stars on Medium (or 3 Stars on Hard or Expert) on any 30 Rock Band 4 songs in Quickplay.

    16.38% (197.00)
  • Earn 5 Stars on every song in Rock Band 4 on Hard in Quickplay mode.

    5.96% (542.00)
  • Earn 5 Stars on every song in Rock Band 4 on Expert in Quickplay mode.

    4.80% (673.00)
  • Earn Gold Stars on any song in Quickplay mode.

    37.18% (87.00)
  • Earn Gold Stars on any thirty Rock Band 4 songs in Quickplay mode.

    6.83% (473.00)
  • Earn Gold Stars on a request.

    15.09% (214.00)
  • Earn Gold Stars on an encore.

    16.92% (191.00)
  • Using only the solo buttons, hit 100% of the notes in a scripted guitar solo on Expert.

    12.28% (263.00)
  • Hit at least 90% of the Kick notes in a song on Hard or Expert Drums.

    29.55% (109.00)
  • Hit at least 85% of the notes on all scripted guitar solos in Rock Band 4 on Hard or Expert.

    5.31% (608.00)
  • Earn a 500-note streak on Bass.

    19.30% (167.00)
  • Earn a "Triple Awesome" rating on Vocal Harmonies.

    9.83% (328.00)
  • Earn a rating of "Awesome" on at least 90% of the phrases in 6 songs on Hard Vocals.

    25.41% (127.00)
  • Play 10 new Dynamic Drum Fills perfectly.

    30.68% (105.00)
  • Earn more than 1,000,000 points in a single song in Quickplay.

    8.71% (371.00)
  • Earn more than 10,000,000 total points playing songs in Quickplay.

    22.98% (140.00)
  • Remain in Overdrive for at least 60 seconds.

    22.13% (146.00)
  • Achieve a Band Multiplier of 8x.

    14.41% (224.00)
  • As a Singer, use Overdrive at least 4 times in a single song.

    43.60% (74.00)
  • Gain at least 300,000 fans while on Tour across all bands.

    12.15% (266.00)
  • Nail a request in Career mode.

    44.75% (72.00)
  • Nail an encore in Career mode.

    44.69% (72.00)
  • Leave your hometown to go on tour in Career mode.

    66.40% (49.00)
  • Leave your home continent in Career mode.

    32.85% (98.00)
  • Earn at least $150,000 while on Tour across all bands.

    10.25% (315.00)
  • Play 10 different Bonus Sets in Career mode.

    10.63% (304.00)
  • Play 50 different shows in Career mode.

    12.53% (258.00)
  • Earn enough fans in a city to unlock a Fan Showcase in Career mode.

    61.66% (52.00)
  • Earn enough fans to unlock 8 Fan Showcases in Career mode.

    14.96% (216.00)
  • Complete an entire story in Career mode.

    20.79% (155.00)
  • Buy over $100,000 worth of items from the Rock Shop.

    8.22% (393.00)
  • Earn a custom guitar or clothing asset via Career mode.

    63.22% (51.00)
  • Earn "Impressive" stage presence in a show.

    74.29% (43.00)
  • Earn "Legendary" stage presence in a show.

    62.15% (52.00)
  • Earn 5 stage presence awards in a single song.

    22.61% (143.00)
  • Earn the "Full Streak" stage presence award in 5 consecutive songs.

    3.69% (875.00)
  • Complete the Basic Guitar Solo tutorial.

    40.62% (79.00)
  • Complete a Freestyle Guitar Solo without ever breaking your streak.

    26.76% (121.00)
  • Earn a "Freestyle!" score for a vocal phrase.

    37.07% (87.00)
  • Earn three "Freestyle!" vocal phrase scores in a single song.

    24.09% (134.00)
  • Play an encore in "Play a Show" mode.

    28.80% (112.00)
  • Play a 5-set show in "Play a Show" mode.

    12.47% (259.00)
  • Calibrate your audio/video setup for the optimal Rock Band 4 experience.

    82.74% (39.00)
  • Finish a song with a full Overdrive bar.

    77.21% (42.00)
  • Fail out of a song that you voted for.

    36.13% (89.00)
  • Split a vote four ways.

    7.14% (452.00)
  • As a Singer, fail out of a song that you voted against.

    8.24% (392.00)
  • Play a Freestyle Guitar Solo composed of at least 80% tapping.

    6.76% (478.00)
  • Turn down 3 encores or requests in a row.

    27.75% (116.00)

Rock Band Rivals Expansion DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Finish a song in Brutal mode.

    16.78% (192.00)
  • Earn Crimson Stars on a song in Brutal mode.

    9.40% (343.00)
  • Reach the end of your band's career in Rockudrama.

    15.87% (203.00)
  • Earn all Rockudrama rewards.

    9.53% (339.00)
  • Reach Level 10.

    33.75% (96.00)
  • Reach Level 50.

    9.22% (350.00)
  • Achieve a skill of 700 or above on any instrument.

    22.55% (143.00)
  • Achieve a skill of 900 or above on any instrument.

    9.07% (356.00)
  • Help earn a Crew Badge. Awarded after a Weekly Challenge ends.

    16.98% (190.00)
  • Earn your first Individual Badge. Awarded after a Weekly Challenge ends.

    16.97% (190.00)
  • Get your Crew promoted to a higher Tier. Awarded after a Weekly Challenge ends.

    15.74% (205.00)