• 15,385 Trophies Earned
  • 5,259 Players Tracked
  • 22 Total Trophies
  • 14,820 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,305 Points
  • 150 Platinum Club
  • 150 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Earn all other trophies.

    2.85% (1372.00)
  • Defeat Moby Dick.

    6.45% (606.00)
  • Rescue the Dragon.

    18.06% (216.00)
  • Defeat the Vitruvian Man.

    8.73% (448.00)
  • Beat Poseidon in a race.

    6.07% (644.00)
  • Get a bronze medal in all time trial levels.

    4.94% (791.00)
  • Get a silver medal in all time trial levels.

    4.28% (913.00)
  • Get a gold medal in all time trial levels.

    3.73% (1048.00)
  • Win a match of Boulder Avalanche or War without letting the enemy touch your door.

    50.83% (77.00)
  • Win an online match of War.

    16.92% (231.00)
  • Win an online match of Obstacle Race.

    23.08% (169.00)
  • Complete all the Humpty Dumpty challenges.

    4.89% (799.00)
  • Destroy the enemy boulder using the thundercloud.

    81.48% (48.00)
  • Rate a map from the Community levels.

    7.82% (500.00)
  • Collect all the stars from the story campaign.

    3.06% (1278.00)
  • Land in the highest scoring hole in the Skee-Boulder ramp.

    13.88% (282.00)
  • Follow all of Napoleon’s directions in the level editor tutorial.

    16.39% (239.00)
  • Earn the Squire's medal by climbing up in the ranking system.

    4.49% (871.00)
  • Earn the Knight's medal by climbing up in the ranking system.

    3.84% (1018.00)
  • Earn the Lord's medal by climbing up in the ranking system.

    3.63% (1077.00)
  • Earn the King's medal by climbing up in the ranking system.

    3.57% (1095.00)
  • Earn the High King's medal by climbing up in the ranking system.

    3.56% (1098.00)