• 2,260,493 Trophies Earned
  • 209,500 Players Tracked
  • 21 Total Trophies
  • 10,673 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,305 Points
  • 10,152 Platinum Club
  • 10,120 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all other trophies in Rogue Company

    4.85% (2470.00)
  • Win 100 matches

    6.23% (1923.00)
  • Revive a total of 100 players

    12.11% (989.00)
  • Deal a total of 10,000 damage to players via headshots

    59.41% (202.00)
  • Down 20 enemies in a single match

    43.59% (275.00)
  • Play 25 hours in a party

    7.29% (1643.00)
  • Win 8 matches with 8 different characters

    11.54% (1038.00)
  • Down an enemy while riding a zipline

    32.77% (366.00)
  • Accrue a total of $70000 in a single match.

    66.34% (181.00)
  • Down an enemy while you have less than 10% health

    81.25% (7.00)
  • Win a match without purchasing a primary weapon

    33.95% (353.00)
  • Down an enemy without taking return damage

    93.47% (6.00)
  • Down 4 enemies in one round

    77.68% (154.00)
  • Down an enemy with a melee weapon

    62.01% (193.00)
  • Down an enemy with a gadget while looking away from them

    41.84% (286.00)
  • Deal 1,000 damage with gadgets

    55.31% (217.00)
  • Fully upgrade a primary weapon

    82.60% (7.00)
  • Purchase 3 perks in a single match

    83.64% (7.00)
  • Down 10 enemies

    85.68% (7.00)
  • Pick up another player's weapon and down an enemy with it

    66.77% (179.00)
  • Complete the tutorial

    70.66% (170.00)