• 15,320 Trophies Earned
  • 1,007 Players Tracked
  • 16 Total Trophies
  • 48 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 928 Platinum Club
  • 927 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all other trophies.

    92.15% (3.00)
  • Beat 5 enemies.

    98.91% (3.00)
  • Beat 100 enemies.

    95.33% (3.00)
  • Beat 200 enemies.

    94.14% (3.00)
  • Collect 5,000 coins in total.

    95.83% (3.00)
  • Collect 25,000 coins in total.

    93.74% (3.00)
  • Collect 50,000 coins in total.

    92.45% (3.00)
  • Get 50 items.

    96.62% (3.00)
  • Get 250 items.

    94.74% (3.00)
  • Get 500 items.

    93.74% (3.00)
  • Open 1 treasure box.

    100.00% (3.00)
  • Open 10 treasure boxes.

    94.74% (3.00)
  • Open 30 treasure boxes.

    92.85% (3.00)
  • Complete the exploration mode of "Grassland".

    98.11% (3.00)
  • Complete the exploration mode of "Mine Tunnel".

    95.03% (3.00)
  • Complete the exploration mode of "Abandoned Town".

    92.85% (3.00)