• 536,530 Achievements Earned
  • 50,104 Players Tracked
  • 29 Total Achievements
  • 15,619 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,064 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Die 20 times or more.

    87.78% (86.00)
  • Put at least one point in every skill in the manor.

    31.67% (238.00)
  • Reach level 50 or higher.

    60.44% (125.00)
  • Open your very first gold chest.

    65.36% (115.00)
  • Have one piece of equipment in every item slot.

    68.59% (110.00)
  • Find all blueprints (purchase not necessary).

    9.57% (788.00)
  • Earn your very first Enchantress rune.

    84.52% (89.00)
  • Have one rune equipped in every item slot.

    51.83% (145.00)
  • Defeat the boss in Castle Hamson.

    65.15% (116.00)
  • Defeat the boss in the Forest Abkhazia.

    48.06% (157.00)
  • Defeat the boss in the Maya.

    36.64% (206.00)
  • Defeat the boss in the Land of Darkness.

    33.60% (224.00)
  • Defeat the last boss.

    30.48% (247.00)
  • Defeat all the minibosses.

    30.78% (245.00)
  • Beat the game… twice.

    16.03% (470.00)
  • Read the last journal entry.

    42.22% (179.00)
  • Kill a chicken.

    73.76% (102.00)
  • Use the special class at least once.

    32.04% (235.00)
  • Choose a hero with no traits.

    95.10% (79.00)
  • Play the game for at least 20 hours.

    22.37% (337.00)
  • Beat one of the clown's games at least once.

    24.45% (308.00)
  • Find all the runes (purchase not necessary).

    21.46% (351.00)
  • Defeat the brothers.

    4.87% (1548.00)
  • Defeat the trademarked chemical.

    5.68% (1327.00)
  • Defeat the son.

    5.86% (1287.00)
  • Defeat the doppleganger.

    8.52% (885.00)
  • Defeat the asteroids.

    6.65% (1134.00)
  • Mock the traitor.

    4.72% (1597.00)
  • WITHOUT using the Architect, complete the game dying 15 times or less

    2.61% (2889.00)