• 12,162 Trophies Earned
  • 812 Players Tracked
  • 15 Total Trophies
  • 45 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 804 Platinum Club
  • 799 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Melt the heart of the alien prince with all his favourite treats!

    99.01% (3.00)
  • Grab your basic icecream cone

    100.00% (3.00)
  • Grab the big bowl of 3 flavours

    99.51% (3.00)
  • Earn 20 points

    100.00% (3.00)
  • Earn 90 points

    100.00% (3.00)
  • Earn 150 points

    99.75% (3.00)
  • Earn 200 points

    99.75% (3.00)
  • Earn 300 points

    99.51% (3.00)
  • Earn 350 points

    99.51% (3.00)
  • Move your body!

    100.00% (3.00)
  • Don't be lazy, stroll and roll!

    100.00% (3.00)
  • Grab at least 15 cones

    99.75% (3.00)
  • Grab at least 30 cones and 2 bowls

    99.01% (3.00)
  • This is inevitable with so many treats flowing past your mouth...

    100.00% (3.00)
  • Grab another basic icecream cone

    100.00% (3.00)