• 14,595 Trophies Earned
  • 1,032 Players Tracked
  • 28 Total Trophies
  • 2,250 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,320 Points
  • 343 Platinum Club
  • 342 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all trophies

    33.24% (118.00)
  • Die Twice

    99.90% (1.00)
  • Die 9 Times At The Dicer

    72.19% (55.00)
  • Die 9 times on the lawnmover in Sausage Panic mode

    42.15% (93.00)
  • Die 9 Times at The Guillotine

    54.36% (72.00)
  • Collect 5 Golden Coins In One Run

    44.19% (89.00)
  • Run Straight Through 5 Obstacles

    88.86% (2.00)
  • Play Weisswurst 3 Times

    50.39% (78.00)
  • Score over 500 in one multiplayer game

    42.73% (92.00)
  • Revive 10 Times

    69.09% (57.00)
  • Use Bun-Shield 25 Times

    39.73% (99.00)
  • Collect 25 Enlarge Power-Ups

    45.54% (86.00)
  • Revive 25 Times

    56.98% (69.00)
  • Die By The Hammer 5 Runs In A Row

    39.05% (101.00)
  • Pass 500 Obstacles

    58.62% (67.00)
  • Score 250 In One Run

    42.05% (94.00)
  • Pass 30 Obstacles in One Run

    51.55% (76.00)
  • Play Smoked, Weisswurst and Blutwurst

    47.58% (83.00)
  • Finish multiplayer run with a tie

    46.61% (84.00)
  • Dodge 3 Cats in 1 Run

    54.36% (72.00)
  • Play The Packed Sausage 3 Times

    43.12% (91.00)
  • Complete 3 Runs of 100 Yards in a Row

    39.83% (99.00)
  • Get Killed By A Cat 5 Times in a Row

    35.47% (111.00)
  • Collect Freeze 4 Times in One Run

    35.76% (110.00)
  • Collect Enlarge 3 Times in One Run

    45.35% (87.00)
  • Pass 30 Seawater Puddles at The Beach

    52.03% (76.00)
  • Run 200 Yards at The Beach in One Run

    42.64% (92.00)
  • Pass 100 Yards in 3 Locations

    40.89% (96.00)