• 6,628 Achievements Earned
  • 542 Players Tracked
  • 51 Total Achievements
  • 9,791 Obtainable EXP
  • 17 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Complete missions to obtain military rank 2.

    99.08% (30.00)
  • Complete missions to obtain military rank 3.

    55.17% (54.00)
  • Complete missions to obtain military rank 4.

    38.75% (77.00)
  • Complete missions to obtain military rank 5.

    32.29% (92.00)
  • Complete missions to obtain military rank 6.

    27.49% (108.00)
  • Complete missions to obtain military rank 7.

    23.25% (128.00)
  • Complete missions to obtain military rank 8, faction commander.

    20.66% (144.00)
  • Successfully navigate through a wormhole.

    75.83% (39.00)
  • Successfully navigate through jump space.

    88.93% (34.00)
  • Travel to 10 different planets.

    18.45% (162.00)
  • Successfully navigate through an unstable wormhole.

    32.29% (92.00)
  • Deliver the killing blow to a mech.

    19.37% (154.00)
  • Deliver the final damage which destroys a space station.

    32.66% (91.00)
  • Deliver the final damage which destroys a battleship.

    22.14% (135.00)
  • Consume 100 stims across all your battles.

    10.89% (274.00)
  • Destroy enough fighter ships to achieve a recognized reputation.

    49.08% (61.00)
  • Destroy enough fighter ships to achieve a capable reputation.

    36.72% (81.00)
  • Destroy enough fighter ships to achieve a sturdy reputation.

    30.81% (97.00)
  • Destroy enough fighter ships to achieve a dangerous reputation.

    26.75% (111.00)
  • Destroy enough fighter ships to achieve a feared reputation.

    23.80% (125.00)
  • Destroy enough fighter ships to achieve a lethal reputation.

    19.93% (150.00)
  • Destroy enough fighter ships to achieve an infamous reputation.

    18.45% (162.00)
  • Destroy enough fighter ships to achieve a colossal reputation.

    14.58% (204.00)
  • Destroy enough fighter ships to achieve a legendary reputation.

    12.73% (234.00)
  • Seek out the Rune of the Continuum.

    31.55% (94.00)
  • Seek out the Rune of Summoning.

    23.06% (129.00)
  • Seek out the Rune of Celestial Oblivion.

    16.79% (178.00)
  • Seek out the Rune of the Sun

    9.59% (311.00)
  • Seek out the Rune of the Void.

    6.64% (449.00)
  • Complete a bounty mission against the pirate named Little Jack.

    28.41% (105.00)
  • Complete a bounty mission against the pirate named Shibby Wag.

    26.57% (112.00)
  • Complete a bounty mission against the pirate named Narcisus Humungous.

    23.43% (127.00)
  • Complete a bounty mission against the pirate named Malice Blackhand.

    20.11% (148.00)
  • Complete a bounty mission against the pirate named The Reaver.

    17.71% (168.00)
  • Complete a bounty mission against the pirate named Deadman Fallen.

    16.61% (179.00)
  • Complete a bounty mission against the pirate named Shred Necrotitis.

    14.58% (204.00)
  • Complete a bounty mission against the pirate named Cranium Eterneon.

    12.55% (238.00)
  • Complete a bounty mission against the pirate named Kelmar the Twitch.

    14.21% (210.00)
  • Complete a bounty mission against the pirate named Fisheye Grim.

    10.89% (274.00)
  • Colonize 5 planets as faction commander.

    14.58% (204.00)
  • Construct 5 new space stations as faction commander.

    13.28% (224.00)
  • Construct 5 new battleships as faction commander.

    13.65% (218.00)
  • Utterly destroy the Drone Unity faction.

    7.38% (404.00)
  • Utterly destroy the Free Nations faction.

    6.83% (436.00)
  • Utterly destroy the Salvation faction.

    6.64% (449.00)
  • Utterly destroy the Wyr faction.

    8.67% (344.00)
  • As faction commander, make peace with another faction.

    15.13% (197.00)
  • Defend a colony against an alien attack.

    13.28% (224.00)
  • Destroy the alien mother ship.

    7.56% (394.00)
  • Walk the path of the sun to the alien homeworld.

    7.56% (394.00)
  • Walk the path of the void to the alien homeworld.

    5.54% (538.00)