• 73,710 Trophies Earned
  • 15,935 Players Tracked
  • 20 Total Trophies
  • 7,327 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,290 Points
  • 1,357 Platinum Club
  • 1,356 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Earn all other trophies.

    8.52% (672.00)
  • Defeat Matthew Patel without losing a life.

    67.02% (85.00)
  • Defeat the Twins simultaneously.

    29.78% (192.00)
  • Defeat an enemy by throwing an object at him while he’s already down.

    84.49% (3.00)
  • Play through a World and reach the boss without getting hit.

    12.90% (444.00)
  • Clear the game once with Scott.

    21.88% (262.00)
  • In a multiplayer game, reanimate another player at least 25 times.

    22.02% (260.00)
  • Eat every food item.

    11.68% (490.00)
  • Defeat 1000 enemies.

    20.94% (274.00)
  • Clear the game in single player on the “Supreme Master” difficulty setting.

    12.23% (468.00)
  • Buy all the items of a shop during the same visit.

    35.90% (160.00)
  • Defeat at least 200 enemies using interactive objects.

    21.72% (264.00)
  • Unlock and call all strikers.

    9.88% (580.00)
  • Catch a flying object at least 25 times with Knives.

    10.56% (543.00)
  • Clear the game in 90 minutes or less with Knives.

    10.70% (535.00)
  • Perform at least 10 consecutive head stomps successfully with Knives.

    10.29% (557.00)
  • Complete your first online match.

    32.53% (176.00)
  • Play Online with all characters at least once (including Wallace Wells).

    10.23% (560.00)
  • Clear the game once with Wallace Wells.

    12.33% (465.00)
  • Knockout 200 enemies in online mode.

    16.99% (337.00)