• 518 Achievements Earned
  • 113 Players Tracked
  • 19 Total Achievements
  • 10,070 Obtainable EXP
  • 6 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Acquire 3 snowflakes and unlock the first level set.

    100.00% (3.00)
  • Acquire 6 snowflakes and unlock the wrench weapon.

    75.22% (87.00)
  • Acquire 9 snowflakes and unlock the second level set.

    52.21% (125.00)
  • Acquire 12 snowflakes and unlock the slowmo cheat.

    38.05% (172.00)
  • Acquire 15 snowflakes and unlock the third level set.

    26.55% (247.00)
  • Acquire 18 snowflakes and unlock the melee weapons only cheat.

    20.35% (322.00)
  • Acquire 21 snowflakes and unlock the tommy gun weapon.

    19.47% (336.00)
  • Acquire 24 snowflakes and unlock the fourth level set.

    17.70% (370.00)
  • Acquire 30 snowflakes and unlock the fast forward cheat.

    15.04% (436.00)
  • Acquire 35 snowflakes and unlock the fifth level set.

    14.16% (463.00)
  • Acquire 40 snowflakes and unlock the reversed weapons cheat.

    14.16% (463.00)
  • Acquire 45 snowflakes and unlock the katana weapon.

    12.39% (529.00)
  • Acquire 50 snowflakes and unlock the "Mark Pan" time cheat.

    11.50% (570.00)
  • Acquire 54 snowflakes and unlock the final level set.

    9.73% (673.00)
  • Acquire 60 snowflakes and unlock the guns only cheat.

    7.96% (823.00)
  • Acquire 66 snowflakes and unlock the silenced pistol weapon.

    7.08% (925.00)
  • Acquire 72 snowflakes and unlock the MEGACOLD time cheat.

    6.19% (1058.00)
  • Acquire 80 snowflakes and unlock the random weapons cheat.

    5.31% (1234.00)
  • Acquire 84 snowflakes and unlock mirror mode.

    5.31% (1234.00)