• 314 Trophies Earned
  • 26 Players Tracked
  • 16 Total Trophies
  • 758 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 17 Platinum Club
  • 17 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Get all other trophies.

    65.38% (59.00)
  • Link with a Coral.

    100.00% (2.00)
  • Link with a species on the surface.

    100.00% (2.00)
  • Enter the first layer of the caves.

    76.92% (50.00)
  • Link with Thraskias.

    73.08% (53.00)
  • Link with Pomelia.

    73.08% (53.00)
  • Get the Return to Surface ability.

    73.08% (53.00)
  • Reach the depths of Layer 1.

    73.08% (53.00)
  • Reach the depths of Layer 3.

    73.08% (53.00)
  • Reach the depths of Layer 2.

    73.08% (53.00)
  • Enter the core of Sephonie Island.

    73.08% (53.00)
  • Finish the game.

    73.08% (53.00)
  • Finish the epilogue.

    73.08% (53.00)
  • Visit the postgame room.

    69.23% (56.00)
  • Link with 10 non-key creatures

    73.08% (53.00)
  • Find 20 non-key items.

    65.38% (59.00)