• 58,698 Trophies Earned
  • 13,068 Players Tracked
  • 12 Total Trophies
  • 4,665 Obtainable EXP
  • 315 Points
  • 0 Platinum Club
  • 1,111 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Complete the challenge "The Bitter End".

    20.03% (551.00)
  • Complete the first tier of the challenge “Big Finish” in any mode.

    99.10% (9.00)
  • Complete the challenge "Sharing Is Caring".

    27.00% (409.00)
  • Complete the first tier of the challenge "Couch Potato".

    18.07% (611.00)
  • Complete the third tier of the challenge “EX-ceptional” in any mode.

    44.87% (246.00)
  • Complete the third tier of the challenge “Wax On, Wax Off” in any mode.

    38.41% (288.00)
  • Complete the third tier of the challenge “Super Artist” in any mode.

    59.11% (187.00)
  • Complete the second tier of the challenge “Going Streaking” in ranked online mode.

    20.13% (549.00)
  • Complete the challenge "Practice Makes Perfect".

    15.52% (712.00)
  • Complete the first tier of the challenge “Sticks & Stones” in any mode.

    34.14% (324.00)
  • Complete the challenge "Pocket Full Of Quarters".

    53.53% (206.00)
  • Complete the challenge "Mystery Man".

    19.27% (573.00)