Unlock all trophies
Complete the game on Tiny Grasshopper difficulty
Complete the game on I Have No Fear difficulty
Complete the game on Who Wants Wang difficulty
Complete the game on No Pain No Gain difficulty
Defeat Corrupted Kamiko
Defeat Devouring Kamiko
Defeat Zilla Mechanoid
Defeat Ancient Goddess Ameonna
Develop any character to level 10
Develop any character to level 25
Develop any character to level 50
Kill 100 enemies
Kill 500 enemies
Kill 2500 enemies
Find 5 secrets
Find 15 secrets
Find 50 secrets
Collect 1000000 zillyen
Collect 10000000 zillyen
Collect 500 upgrades
Collect 200 unique upgrades
Collect 100 legendary upgrades
Craft 100 upgrades
Craft 30 legendary upgrades
Perform 200 Special Attack kills
Perform 200 kills when enemy's grasped by Grip of Darkness
Shatter 100 frozen enemies
Perform 100 acid corpse explosions
Set 200 enemies on fire
Electrocute 200 enemies
Perform 100 weakspot kills
Perform 50 Vanish kills
Kill 10 Bunny Lords
Complete any trial of The Way of the Wang
Complete Trials of Infusion, Embedding, Purification and Trial of the Ancient God
Collect 100 Orbs of Masamune
Collect 1000 Orbs of Masamune
Collect 10000 Orbs of Masamune