• 377,774 Trophies Earned
  • 33,771 Players Tracked
  • 49 Total Trophies
  • 12,032 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,635 Points
  • 1,785 Platinum Club
  • 976 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlocked all trophies in SHIFT 2 UNLEASHED™

    5.32% (538.00)
  • Reached Driver Level 5

    73.69% (39.00)
  • Mastered every location in day or dusk

    7.54% (380.00)
  • Beat Jamie Campbell-Walter and won the FIA GT1 World Championship

    12.43% (230.00)
  • Beat Patrick Soderlund and won the FIA GT3 European Championship

    13.66% (210.00)
  • Placed 1st in 5 consecutive Online events

    13.05% (219.00)
  • Beaten all the Rivals

    8.70% (329.00)
  • Have at least one car from each manufacturer in your Garage

    8.75% (327.00)
  • Earned $10,000,000 total during your career

    7.02% (408.00)
  • Mastered every location at night

    7.74% (370.00)
  • Pro

    Reached Driver Level 15

    34.39% (83.00)
  • Won JR's GTR Challenge

    40.98% (70.00)
  • Completed an event recommended by a Friend

    17.25% (166.00)
  • Beaten your first Rival

    27.33% (105.00)
  • Reached Driver Level 10

    51.68% (55.00)
  • Reached Driver Level 20

    20.90% (137.00)
  • Beaten Mad Mike Whiddett and won the Works Championship

    13.08% (219.00)
  • Completed 250 Event Objectives

    11.71% (244.00)
  • Won your first Event Set Badge

    88.41% (32.00)
  • Complete an event purely from helmet cam

    56.88% (50.00)
  • Place 1st in an event using Elite handling model

    21.66% (132.00)
  • Won 25 Career events on Easy difficulty or higher

    46.75% (61.00)
  • Won 50 Career events on Medium difficulty or higher

    19.61% (146.00)
  • Won 75 Career events on Hard difficulty

    10.66% (268.00)
  • Beaten the 1st Target Time in a Hot Lap event

    68.99% (41.00)
  • Unlocked the FIA GT1 Branch

    15.16% (189.00)
  • Track Mastered your first location

    55.33% (52.00)
  • Competed at every location in the game

    12.15% (236.00)
  • Own a Modern, Retro, and Muscle car

    41.94% (68.00)
  • Used On-Track Tuning to save a Tuning Setup for a car

    24.11% (119.00)
  • Upgraded 3 vehicles to Works spec

    24.09% (119.00)
  • Completed JR's Grass Roots event

    50.40% (57.00)
  • Earned 10 Badges

    47.51% (60.00)
  • Earned 50 Badges

    19.28% (148.00)
  • Earned 100 Badges

    11.70% (245.00)
  • Got through the Qualifying round in the Driver Duel Championship

    15.53% (184.00)
  • Shared a photo or replay with others

    28.35% (101.00)
  • Completed an Online Catchup Pack and Online Catchup Duel event

    12.55% (228.00)
  • Won your first Driver Duel Championship crown

    7.33% (390.00)
  • Won an Online event from helmet cam

    14.06% (204.00)
  • Played Online for over 10 hours total

    8.30% (345.00)

Legends DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Beat Matt Powers and won the Legends Championship

    4.22% (678.00)
  • Won an Online event in a car from the Legends Pack

    4.64% (617.00)

Speedhunters Edition DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Reached over 250mph in a Standing Mile event

    6.12% (468.00)
  • Ran a Quarter Mile in less than 9 seconds

    6.47% (442.00)
  • Won an Online event in a Speedhunters Edition car

    4.99% (574.00)
  • Beat Chris Rado and won the 1320 Outlaws Championship

    6.17% (464.00)
  • Beat Koz and won the Standing Mile World Championship

    6.07% (471.00)
  • Completed a Career event in each of the Speedhunters Edition Cars

    4.01% (714.00)