• 62,616 Trophies Earned
  • 8,143 Players Tracked
  • 32 Total Trophies
  • 12,951 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,260 Points
  • 287 Platinum Club
  • 287 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Collect every SingStar™ trophy

    3.56% (1293.00)
  • Perform 40 songs

    32.68% (141.00)
  • Perform 100 songs

    15.99% (288.00)
  • Perform 400 songs

    4.99% (922.00)
  • Perform 15 songs in one game session

    36.02% (128.00)
  • Perform with a friend 30 times

    29.06% (158.00)
  • Perform with a friend 90 times

    12.61% (365.00)
  • BFF

    Perform with a friend 300 times

    5.13% (897.00)
  • Earn the "SingStar" score ranking in 10 normal length performances

    4.64% (992.00)
  • Earn the "SingStar" score ranking in 20 normal length performances

    4.41% (1043.00)
  • Complete 5 rap performances

    30.89% (149.00)
  • Complete 5 performances of a duet song with another player

    20.57% (224.00)
  • Gain the number 1 position in 10 different score charts

    65.69% (70.00)
  • Perform vibrato for the first time

    99.10% (46.00)
  • Perform vibrato for a total of 300 seconds

    4.85% (949.00)
  • Get the highest ranking on 10 lines in a row

    22.03% (209.00)
  • Get the highest ranking on every line in a Normal length performance

    4.58% (1005.00)
  • Play 5 random songs selected by the Shuffle button

    15.61% (295.00)
  • Get the lowest score rank on any song

    49.16% (94.00)
  • Fill every Golden Note in a normal length performance

    50.57% (91.00)
  • Complete 500 Golden Notes

    23.06% (200.00)
  • Accumulate 500 seconds of perfect pitch

    71.83% (64.00)
  • Accumulate 3000 seconds of perfect pitch

    29.12% (158.00)
  • Accumulate 10000 seconds of perfect pitch

    11.35% (405.00)
  • Play on Christmas Day

    17.56% (262.00)
  • Play on SingStar's original launch date

    10.06% (457.00)
  • Perform a duet song on St. Valentine's Day

    8.61% (534.00)
  • Sing in harmony with a friend during a duet song

    24.83% (185.00)
  • Upload a piece of media

    12.87% (358.00)
  • Save 20 pieces of media

    9.59% (480.00)
  • View 50 pieces of media

    20.68% (223.00)
  • Rate 10 pieces of media

    17.27% (266.00)