• 831 Achievements Earned
  • 267 Players Tracked
  • 12 Total Achievements
  • 31,691 Obtainable EXP
  • 2 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Trade with Merchant Cat for over 100000 coins. Where do his funds even come from?

    4.49% (2823.00)
  • Fall to your death in the clouds. They look like they're made out of candy floss. They're not and now you know that.

    88.01% (144.00)
  • You've killed 1000 players. You can't even remember their faces any more. Killing is all you know now.

    0.75% (16901.00)
  • Look up information in the in-game Knowledge Base.

    77.15% (164.00)
  • We'd give you a gold watch, well actually we wouldn't. So here's an achievement. Spent 100+ hours playing Sky Nations.

    4.87% (2603.00)
  • "Accidentally" killed 10 friendlies.

    16.48% (769.00)
  • Craft your first item.

    50.94% (249.00)
  • Perform over 1000 system jumps in your travels.

    3.37% (3761.00)
  • Pilot a ship with more than 5000 mass.

    7.12% (1780.00)
  • You have a special set of skills. Unfortunately, it's dying a lot. I hope you're proud.

    19.10% (664.00)
  • Create or join a Nation. The empire begins here!

    29.96% (423.00)
  • Kill another player while having only 10HP or less left.

    8.99% (1410.00)