• 294,384 Trophies Earned
  • 13,856 Players Tracked
  • 38 Total Trophies
  • 4,294 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,335 Points
  • 2,374 Platinum Club
  • 2,373 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all other trophies.

    17.16% (285.00)
  • The first time you put your Skylander on the Portal of Power.

    87.85% (56.00)
  • Complete the Shattered Island level.

    98.22% (50.00)
  • Complete the Stormy Stronghold level and acquire the elemental source.

    85.44% (57.00)
  • Complete the Leviathan Lagoon level and acquire the elemental source.

    76.36% (64.00)
  • Complete the Stone Town level and acquire the elemental source.

    72.20% (68.00)
  • Complete the Falling Forest level and acquire the elemental source.

    69.46% (70.00)
  • Complete the Battlefield level and acquire the elemental source.

    65.50% (75.00)
  • Complete the Creepy Citadel level and acquire the elemental source.

    59.35% (82.00)
  • Complete the Lava Lakes Railway level and acquire the elemental source.

    56.99% (86.00)
  • Complete the Arkeyan Armory level and acquire the elemental source.

    55.10% (89.00)
  • Complete the adventure mode by finishing the game.

    43.88% (111.00)
  • Get 3 stars in any one level.

    42.05% (116.00)
  • In the Leviathan Lagoon level, dodge 30 sharks without being hit.

    21.95% (223.00)
  • In the Falling Forest level, defeat Evil Ent while more than 5 of Evil Ent's seeds are on the field.

    24.47% (200.00)
  • Defeat Kaos' Evil minions in the Lava Lakes Railway level with only Gill Grunt's Power Hose.

    19.45% (251.00)
  • Avoid being hit by the laser traps during the boss fight in the Creepy Citadel level.

    19.26% (254.00)
  • Defeat Kaos without swapping Skylanders during the battle.

    18.77% (261.00)
  • Defeat 30 enemies while riding the War Machine in the Arkeyan Armory level.

    55.37% (88.00)
  • Never use any rocket in the Falling Forest level.

    31.17% (157.00)
  • Get swallowed by the Leviathan 5 times in the Leviathan Lagoon level.

    38.56% (127.00)
  • Destroy all of the rocks in the Molekin Mine level.

    24.77% (197.00)
  • Complete the Troll Warehouse level without getting injured by the landmines.

    38.56% (127.00)
  • Complete the Crystal Eye Castle level without being hit by any of the rolling barrels.

    44.83% (109.00)
  • Complete your first challenge level!

    55.23% (89.00)
  • Complete 3 Challenge levels.

    37.45% (131.00)
  • The first time you purchase an upgrade for your Skylander.

    75.81% (65.00)
  • Purchase all upgrades for any one Skylander.

    42.88% (114.00)
  • Level up any one Skylander to level 10.

    61.42% (80.00)
  • Collect 10 Hats.

    60.15% (81.00)
  • Have your Skylander equip a hat for the first time.

    81.49% (60.00)
  • Unlock any Elemental Gate.

    97.72% (50.00)
  • Defeat 15 Chompies in the Shattered Island level.

    98.61% (50.00)
  • Open any treasure chest.

    98.42% (50.00)
  • Collect 10 Story Scrolls.

    67.72% (72.00)
  • Collect 10 Legendary Treasures.

    48.52% (101.00)
  • Collect 10 Soul Gems.

    67.73% (72.00)
  • Play and complete any PvP match: win or lose.

    64.72% (76.00)