• 307,124 Trophies Earned
  • 24,965 Players Tracked
  • 46 Total Trophies
  • 11,368 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,395 Points
  • 1,096 Platinum Club
  • 942 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Obtain all other Trophies.

    4.39% (719.00)
  • Win a battle with 1 HP remaining.

    50.47% (63.00)
  • Have 3 or fewer cards in hand, draw, and discard pile combined.

    10.91% (289.00)
  • Win a combat without playing an Attack.

    42.06% (75.00)
  • Exhaust 20 cards in a single combat.

    50.21% (63.00)
  • Have 9 Energy during a single turn of combat.

    46.44% (68.00)
  • Have 10 or more buffs during combat.

    18.92% (167.00)
  • Have 50 or more Strength during combat.

    14.76% (214.00)
  • Have 99 or more Block during combat.

    22.97% (137.00)
  • Have 999 Block during combat.

    10.10% (313.00)
  • Apply 99 or more Poison on a single enemy.

    21.60% (146.00)
  • Defeat 3 enemies with Poison in a single combat.

    39.03% (81.00)
  • Play 10 Shivs in a single turn.

    19.13% (165.00)
  • Play 25 cards in a single turn.

    10.87% (291.00)
  • Defeat a boss on turn 1.

    6.82% (463.00)
  • Defeat a boss without taking any damage.

    38.51% (82.00)
  • Defeated the Guardian.

    88.63% (36.00)
  • Defeated Hexaghost.

    79.55% (40.00)
  • Defeated the Slime Boss.

    74.22% (43.00)
  • Defeated the Bronze Automaton.

    52.87% (60.00)
  • Defeated the Collector.

    50.42% (63.00)
  • Defeated the Champ.

    59.74% (53.00)
  • Defeated the Awakened One.

    38.48% (82.00)
  • Defeated Donu & Deca.

    39.05% (81.00)
  • Defeated the Time Eater.

    33.12% (95.00)
  • Beat the game with the Ironclad.

    41.78% (76.00)
  • Beat the game with the Silent.

    36.14% (87.00)
  • Beat the game with a single relic.

    5.51% (573.00)
  • Beat the game in under 20 minutes.

    6.37% (496.00)
  • Unlock Ascension mode.

    50.43% (63.00)
  • Complete Ascension Level 10.

    7.13% (443.00)
  • Beat the game with a 5 card deck or smaller.

    6.14% (514.00)
  • Finish Donu with a Feed.

    7.79% (405.00)
  • Beat the game with the Defect.

    32.45% (97.00)
  • Beat the game with a deck containing no uncommons or rares.

    6.07% (520.00)
  • Have 25 or more Focus during combat.

    6.14% (514.00)
  • Channel 9 Plasma in a single turn.

    5.84% (541.00)
  • Defeat the Transient before it fades away.

    7.67% (412.00)
  • Complete Ascension Level 20.

    5.09% (620.00)
  • Complete the Ending with the Ironclad.

    10.88% (290.00)
  • Complete the Ending with the Silent.

    11.24% (281.00)
  • Complete the Ending with the Defect.

    9.70% (326.00)
  • Complete the Ending with the Ironclad, Silent, and Defect.

    8.14% (388.00)
  • Win a Daily Climb.

    21.53% (147.00)

Watcher DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Beat the game with the Watcher

    14.14% (223.00)
  • Complete the Ending with the Watcher

    6.82% (463.00)