• 22,851 Trophies Earned
  • 4,969 Players Tracked
  • 20 Total Trophies
  • 8,908 Obtainable EXP
  • 315 Points
  • 0 Platinum Club
  • 296 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Beat 'The Eight Pages' level in under 5 minutes

    9.00% (670.00)
  • Beat the 'Into The Abyss' level in under 5 minutes

    7.10% (850.00)
  • Beat the game in under 45 minutes

    7.73% (780.00)
  • Find all numbered letters

    7.81% (772.00)
  • Find all scrapbook items

    7.53% (801.00)
  • Riding a slide in a horror game

    67.76% (89.00)
  • Exceed 10 failed pause attempts

    21.61% (279.00)
  • Exceed 50 failed pause attempts

    14.25% (423.00)
  • Die in the 'Into the Abyss' level 3 times in a row

    26.36% (229.00)
  • Listen to all of the radio tracks in the house

    30.13% (200.00)
  • Play the piano until the first notes from "No Friends" is played

    50.35% (120.00)
  • Get ensnared by Slender Man’s tenticles

    19.50% (309.00)
  • Disrupt Charlie while he's crying at least 3 times

    15.44% (391.00)
  • Beat the Genesis level on "Hardcore" difficulty

    7.77% (776.00)
  • Beat the game on normal difficulty

    15.54% (388.00)
  • Beat the game on "Hardcore" difficulty

    6.40% (943.00)
  • Make it through the forest fire without catching on fire once

    12.88% (468.00)
  • Surpass 10,000 total steps taken

    53.59% (113.00)
  • We're sorry about that... Here's a cookie!

    42.50% (142.00)
  • Pick up an oversized sign and somehow manage to fit it in your scrapbook

    36.63% (165.00)