• 759,502 Trophies Earned
  • 60,616 Players Tracked
  • 31 Total Trophies
  • 10,861 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 2,859 Platinum Club
  • 2,855 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Platinum

    4.72% (1547.00)
  • Place a tarr on the #1 Slime Stage

    10.62% (688.00)
  • Fabricate your first Slime Science gadget

    51.77% (141.00)
  • Incinerate an elder chicken

    20.52% (356.00)
  • Join the 7Zee Rewards Club

    58.29% (125.00)
  • Shoot food into an airborne slime's mouth

    87.58% (83.00)
  • Let a tabby slime headbutt you right on the nose

    91.73% (80.00)
  • Have 3 different veggie gardens on the Ranch at the same time

    49.10% (149.00)
  • Stay awake from 6 AM to 6 AM the next day

    79.37% (92.00)
  • Feed 100 chickens to slimes on the Ranch

    53.32% (137.00)
  • Have 3 different fruit trees on the Ranch at the same time

    42.77% (171.00)
  • Sell 500 plorts at the Plort Market

    74.77% (98.00)
  • Use chroma packs to change the color of the ranch house, tech, and vacpack

    36.95% (198.00)
  • Return to the Ranch after more than 24 hours

    39.97% (183.00)
  • Start bringing life back to the Glass Desert

    30.87% (237.00)
  • Earn over 25,000 newbucks

    65.62% (111.00)
  • Fulfill a Range Exchange request between Noon and 2 PM

    57.96% (126.00)
  • Shoot a boom slime largo into the air that explodes before landing

    38.65% (189.00)
  • Have at least 3 different types of largos in the same corral

    29.09% (251.00)
  • Burst a gordo slime

    80.81% (90.00)
  • Stand inside a rad aura for at least 15 seconds

    27.30% (267.00)
  • Fabricate 35 Slime Science gadgets

    21.94% (333.00)
  • Constrain more than 15 slimes in your vac stream at once while on the range

    11.86% (616.00)
  • Jump into a corral containing at least 40 slimes

    46.84% (156.00)
  • Send an adorable chick to a fiery end, the same place you're now destined to go

    16.84% (434.00)
  • Reach at least 75,000 newbucks in Rush Mode

    4.90% (1490.00)
  • Score 50 points in a single game of slimeball

    8.20% (890.00)
  • Have at least 10 types of largos on the Ranch

    17.37% (420.00)
  • Obtain at least 3 gold plorts from a single gold slime

    10.07% (725.00)
  • Earn 5,000 newbucks in a single day

    63.00% (116.00)
  • Complete Adventure Mode and set out for what's next.

    20.17% (362.00)