You got to the finish line in Grand Tour Mode.
You reached all the exits in Grand Tour Mode.
You defeated all the rivals in a single Grand Tour Mode run.
You completed every (non-Blue Hour) track in the game.
Completed all possible routes in Grand Tour Mode.
You defeated all the rivals on the way to each exit in Grand Tour Mode.
You won the Ruby Cup.
You won the Sapphire Cup.
You won the Emerald Cup.
You won the Diamond Cup.
You won all the races in any (non-Blue Hour) cup in Grand Prix Mode.
You won all the non-Blue Hour races in every cup in Grand Prix Mode.
You defeated every rival character in Grand Tour or Cannonball.
You won a race with each of the (non-Blue Hour) cars in any mode, stock settings.
You stayed on the slipstream for 15 seconds or more in any mode.
You won a custom car race with $500 or less spent on upgrades.
You completed a stage in Grand Tour Mode without touching anything.
You won a Cannonball race of at least 5 stages.
You defeated all the rivals in a Cannonball race of at least 5 stages.
You won a Cannonball race of at least 15 stages.
You won a Cannonball (non-Blue Hour) race of all night tracks, in any order.
You won a Cannonball race of all secret tracks, in any order.
You won a Battle Royale race with 16 racers.
You unlocked all the achievements.