• 713,378 Trophies Earned
  • 68,259 Players Tracked
  • 41 Total Trophies
  • 22,312 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,335 Points
  • 960 Platinum Club
  • 957 100% Club
Earned Date
  • You have acquired all Trophies! Congratulations!

    1.41% (4857.00)
  • Completed a match with a god from all Pantheons. (Versus or Ranked)

    43.50% (157.00)
  • 5 Mastered Assassins.

    17.32% (395.00)
  • 5 Mastered Guardians.

    15.73% (435.00)
  • 5 Mastered Hunters.

    17.51% (391.00)
  • 5 Mastered Mages.

    20.14% (340.00)
  • 5 Mastered Warriors.

    15.59% (439.00)
  • 25 Arena matches played. (Versus)

    28.38% (241.00)
  • 25 Assault matches played. (Versus)

    10.78% (635.00)
  • 25 Joust 3v3 matches played. (Versus)

    23.94% (286.00)
  • 25 Conquest matches played. (Versus)

    24.80% (276.00)
  • Get 10 double kills in qualifying matches. (Versus or Ranked)

    43.94% (156.00)
  • Get 10 first blood accolades in qualifying matches. (Versus or Ranked)

    29.29% (234.00)
  • Get 5 triple kills in qualifying matches. (Versus or Ranked)

    28.09% (244.00)
  • Get 50 killing sprees in qualifying matches. (Versus or Ranked)

    28.98% (236.00)
  • Destroy 50 towers in qualifying matches. (Versus or Ranked)

    20.26% (338.00)
  • Kill 3 enemy gods with a single ability. (Versus or Ranked)

    21.93% (312.00)
  • Kill 5 enemy gods with a single ability. (Versus or Ranked)

    3.63% (1887.00)
  • Kill an enemy god after they had already killed you. (Versus or Ranked)

    56.73% (121.00)
  • Kill enemy gods more than 20 times in a single match, and only die once. (Versus or Ranked)

    14.87% (461.00)
  • Deliver the killing blow on a map objective where enemies did more damage in a qualifying match. (Versus or Ranked)

    22.88% (299.00)
  • Reach Level 30.

    20.31% (337.00)
  • Shut down 10 killing sprees in qualifying matches. (Versus or Ranked)

    34.39% (199.00)
  • Win an Arena match with more than 100 tickets remaining. (Versus)

    66.84% (102.00)
  • You have earned First Blood in any game mode before 0:00 on the in-game clock. (Versus or Ranked)

    22.99% (298.00)
  • You killed more than 20 enemy gods in a single Conquest match. (Versus or Ranked)

    18.86% (363.00)
  • Your team killed the Fire Giant in Conquest within 30 seconds of it spawning. (Versus or Ranked)

    3.64% (1882.00)
  • Your team killed the Gold Fury in Conquest within a minute and a half of it spawning. (Versus or Ranked)

    5.63% (1216.00)
  • 1 god at Mastery 10.

    15.71% (436.00)
  • 1 League match played. (Ranked)

    15.16% (452.00)
  • Get a quadra kill in a qualifying match. (Versus or Ranked)

    25.49% (269.00)
  • Get a penta kill in a qualifying match. (Versus or Ranked)

    11.20% (612.00)
  • Get 100 assists in qualifying matches. (Versus or Ranked)

    64.48% (106.00)
  • Kill 100 gods in qualifying matches. (Versus or Ranked)

    47.49% (144.00)
  • 100 Minions killed. (Versus or Ranked)

    92.89% (74.00)
  • Get 25 killing blows on map objectives in qualifying matches. (Versus or Ranked)

    13.89% (493.00)
  • Destroy a tower before 8 minutes in Conquest or Siege. (Versus or Ranked)

    42.70% (160.00)
  • 10 Gods Mastered.

    22.82% (300.00)
  • 30 Gods Mastered.

    13.70% (500.00)
  • 50 Gods Mastered.

    9.88% (693.00)
  • 70 Gods Mastered.

    7.32% (936.00)