• 75,108 Trophies Earned
  • 5,865 Players Tracked
  • 44 Total Trophies
  • 6,182 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,350 Points
  • 633 Platinum Club
  • 632 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all trophies

    10.79% (258.00)
  • Unlock 1 Weapon

    60.85% (46.00)
  • Unlock all Sniper Rifles

    14.58% (191.00)
  • Unlock all Secondary Weapons

    16.78% (166.00)
  • Unlock all Sidearms

    17.29% (161.00)
  • Buy your first skill

    99.85% (28.00)
  • Buy 54 skills

    11.18% (249.00)
  • Find your first Collectible

    69.55% (40.00)
  • Find all of the Collectibles

    13.37% (208.00)
  • Complete Zindah Province

    60.09% (46.00)
  • Complete Zindah Province at the Highest Difficulty in a single playthrough

    14.73% (189.00)
  • Complete Mount Kuamar

    37.72% (74.00)
  • Complete Mount Kuamar at the Highest Difficulty in a single playthrough

    12.99% (214.00)
  • Complete The Tajmid Heights

    32.82% (85.00)
  • Complete The Tajmid Heights at the Highest Difficulty in a single playthrough

    12.75% (218.00)
  • Complete Rashida Qalat

    28.99% (96.00)
  • Complete Rashida Qalat at the Highest Difficulty in a single playthrough

    12.65% (220.00)
  • Complete Maladh Wadi

    28.12% (99.00)
  • Complete Maladh Wadi at the Highest Difficulty in a single playthrough

    12.79% (218.00)
  • Complete all Mission Contracts

    28.12% (99.00)
  • Kill Antwana Zarza while he is in a vehicle

    13.78% (202.00)
  • Kill Ronald Payne after he takes up a sniping position

    23.31% (119.00)
  • Kill Novikov while he's inspecting a damaged Antenna

    28.05% (99.00)
  • Escape the Server Room ambush without being detected

    14.56% (191.00)
  • Kill everyone from all of the reinforcement waves during the Oil Field contract

    17.49% (159.00)
  • Lead the prisoner to safety without raising the alarm

    12.50% (223.00)
  • Provoke both targets to escape and kill them before they do so

    16.10% (173.00)
  • Retrieve the security chips without killing Bibi

    30.37% (92.00)
  • Kill Taj Taheer in the car with a headshot

    12.24% (227.00)
  • Kill the Target and the other Suspects without raising the alarm

    13.81% (202.00)
  • Kill each Suspect with a single bullet, hitting the body, during the alarm

    13.45% (207.00)
  • Kill at least 1 of each enemy type in the same mission

    51.34% (54.00)
  • Kill 2 enemies with the same bullet

    64.65% (43.00)
  • Kill 2 enemies using an explosion

    55.07% (51.00)
  • Kill 5 enemies in the same mission using the Sentry Turret

    18.16% (153.00)
  • Be within 2 meters of an enemy for 10 seconds without being detected

    28.35% (98.00)
  • Kill any contract target using your drone's poison rifle

    13.25% (210.00)
  • Finish a Contract using only sniper rifles

    16.18% (172.00)
  • Kill 2 enemies with a grenade

    36.42% (76.00)
  • Kill 5 enemies in 1 minute without raising the alarm

    46.21% (60.00)
  • Finish all Contracts in a Region without ever taking damage from enemies

    19.20% (145.00)
  • Complete a contract when every time you hit the enemy is a kill

    64.02% (43.00)
  • Kill 5 enemies while holding your breath with Stamina Booster active

    11.82% (235.00)
  • Land a shot from over 1300m away

    64.30% (43.00)