• 89,007 Trophies Earned
  • 6,222 Players Tracked
  • 41 Total Trophies
  • 4,448 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,335 Points
  • 1,023 Platinum Club
  • 1,021 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all trophies

    16.44% (180.00)
  • Complete ALTAI MOUNTAINS Region

    62.94% (47.00)
  • Complete KOLCHAK HARBOR Region

    50.71% (58.00)
  • Complete BEKETOV VALLEY Region

    43.28% (69.00)

    38.30% (77.00)
  • Complete SIBIRSKAYA-7 JUNCTION Region

    34.28% (86.00)
  • Complete ALTAI MOUNTAINS Region on the highest difficulty

    25.36% (117.00)
  • Complete KOLCHAK HARBOR Region on the highest difficulty

    23.56% (126.00)
  • Complete BEKETOV VALLEY Region on the highest difficulty

    22.52% (132.00)
  • Complete ARAKCHEYEV FORTRESS Region on the highest difficulty

    21.99% (135.00)
  • Complete SIBIRSKAYA-7 JUNCTION Region on the highest difficulty

    21.42% (138.00)
  • Buy your first skill

    61.04% (49.00)
  • Buy 28 skills

    29.46% (101.00)
  • Buy 57 skills

    17.78% (167.00)
  • Unlock 10 Sniper Rifles

    23.79% (125.00)
  • Unlock 7 Sidearms

    24.67% (120.00)
  • Unlock 14 Gadgets

    21.75% (136.00)
  • Complete first Contract

    100.00% (30.00)
  • Complete 13 Contracts

    44.86% (66.00)
  • Complete 24 Contracts

    34.97% (85.00)
  • Complete first Challenge

    80.14% (37.00)
  • Complete 13 of Challenges

    19.32% (153.00)
  • Complete 24 Challenges

    16.78% (177.00)
  • Complete first Bounty

    67.04% (44.00)
  • Complete 5 of the Bounties

    27.10% (109.00)
  • Complete 9 of the Bounties

    18.64% (159.00)
  • Unlock 5 Regions

    38.28% (77.00)
  • Find the first collectible

    72.73% (41.00)
  • Find 7 of collectibles

    43.97% (67.00)
  • Find 14 collectibles

    33.91% (87.00)
  • Kill enemy from each sniper rifle

    18.37% (161.00)
  • Kill 3 Enemies with 1 bullet

    20.75% (143.00)
  • Kill an Enemy from a 500 meters distance.

    27.08% (109.00)
  • Kill 80 enemies in single mission

    60.91% (49.00)
  • Kill enemy from zip line

    18.68% (159.00)
  • Interrogate an Officer

    51.33% (58.00)
  • Eliminate Main Target with Remote Sniper Turret

    20.65% (144.00)
  • Eliminate Main Target when in the vechicle with the Mine

    18.82% (158.00)
  • Eliminate Main Target with Death from above

    19.99% (148.00)
  • Exfiltrate in under 1 minute after killing Igor Sekhov

    18.40% (161.00)
  • Eliminate Main Target with The Chain kill

    18.16% (163.00)