• 43,454 Trophies Earned
  • 5,266 Players Tracked
  • 32 Total Trophies
  • 10,965 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,320 Points
  • 245 Platinum Club
  • 245 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Obtain all other trophies.

    4.65% (980.00)
  • Unlock the entrance.

    97.63% (47.00)
  • Make it past 1-4 in a non-seeded run.

    73.66% (62.00)
  • Make it past Olmec's Lair in a non-seeded run.

    46.90% (97.00)
  • Reach the Ice Caves in a non-seeded run.

    35.17% (130.00)
  • Complete the game in a non-seeded run.

    20.26% (225.00)
  • Complete the game without using shortcuts in a non-seeded, single-player run.

    14.45% (315.00)
  • Complete the game in 10 minutes or less without shortcuts in a non-seeded, single-player run.

    7.16% (637.00)
  • Complete the game without collecting any treasure and without using shortcuts in a non-seeded, single-player run.

    5.32% (857.00)
  • Reach the Sunken City in a non-seeded, single-player run.

    10.44% (437.00)
  • Complete the game by defeating Hundun in a non-seeded, single-player run.

    8.34% (547.00)
  • Reach the Cosmic Ocean in a non-seeded, single-player run.

    6.74% (676.00)
  • Complete the Moon Challenge in a non-seeded run.

    51.82% (88.00)
  • Complete the Star Challenge in a non-seeded run.

    20.07% (227.00)
  • Complete the Sun Challenge in a non-seeded run.

    10.25% (445.00)
  • End a run with $1,000,000 or more in a non-seeded, single-player run.

    5.07% (899.00)
  • Complete 50% of the Journal or more.

    37.81% (121.00)
  • Complete the Journal.

    5.39% (846.00)
  • Unlock the first shortcut.

    54.46% (84.00)
  • Unlock all three shortcuts.

    15.10% (302.00)
  • Finish the Tutorial Speedrun in under 30 seconds.

    13.65% (334.00)
  • Win a First-to-Five Deathmatch against three bots using the Default ruleset.

    14.32% (318.00)
  • Bring two turkeys to Yang in a non-seeded run.

    60.79% (75.00)
  • Buy out Yang's Pet Shop in a non-seeded run.

    22.18% (206.00)
  • VIP

    Enter Madame Tusk's Palace of Pleasure as a guest (in a non-seeded run).

    14.70% (310.00)
  • Reach the Black Market in a non-seeded run.

    31.03% (147.00)
  • Reach the City of Gold in a non-seeded, single-player run.

    13.90% (328.00)
  • Obtain the Kapala in a non-seeded run.

    39.00% (117.00)
  • Obtain some royal headwear in a non-seeded run.

    35.19% (130.00)
  • Obtain the Ankh in a non-seeded run.

    23.79% (192.00)
  • Obtain the Tablet of Destiny in a non-seeded run.

    17.15% (266.00)
  • Wake the Eggplant Child in a non-seeded run.

    8.77% (520.00)