• 4,456 Achievements Earned
  • 350 Players Tracked
  • 41 Total Achievements
  • 9,012 Obtainable EXP
  • 19 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Enter space from a planet for the first time.

    81.71% (57.00)
  • Discover your first new planet outside the Trade Sector.

    32.57% (143.00)
  • Equip your first mod.

    95.71% (49.00)
  • Destroy A Prime.

    39.71% (118.00)
  • Destroy a Dreadnought.

    22.00% (212.00)
  • Extend Starlink's range to bring the fight to Grax.

    17.14% (273.00)
  • Defeat Grax.

    16.86% (277.00)
  • Build a Starlink Tower on every planet.

    9.14% (511.00)
  • Loot 10 derelict ships in space.

    17.43% (268.00)
  • Neutralize 5 Outlaw Hideouts in space.

    15.14% (309.00)
  • Use Fusion to craft a higher-level mod.

    37.14% (126.00)
  • Acquire a Legendary Mod.

    29.71% (157.00)
  • Find a Warden Relic.

    30.00% (156.00)
  • Equip 8 ship & weapon mods on a ship build using Rare, Epic, or Legendary mods.

    30.57% (153.00)
  • Fill your ship with Epic or Legendary Mods.

    15.71% (297.00)
  • Discover all the planets in Atlas.

    16.57% (282.00)
  • Map every part of a Planet.

    30.00% (156.00)
  • Record every Discovery on a planet.

    13.71% (341.00)
  • Discover 5 Animal Species.

    42.57% (110.00)
  • Discover every animal species in Atlas.

    6.29% (743.00)
  • Defeat 10 targets by shooting at their weak spots using Precision weapons like Shredder.

    57.71% (81.00)
  • Time Active Shield perfectly to reflect an attack 10 times.

    49.71% (94.00)
  • Defeat an Extractor or Prime with your shields down.

    22.57% (207.00)
  • Shatter 5 Frozen Targets.

    39.14% (119.00)
  • Thermal Shock 10 targets.

    62.00% (75.00)
  • Hit 5 targets with a single Stasis blast combo.

    16.57% (282.00)
  • Trap 3 targets in a single Gravity Vortex.

    61.43% (76.00)
  • Use Cold to defeat a Fire Giant.

    50.86% (92.00)
  • Use Heat to defeat an Ice Giant.

    41.43% (113.00)
  • In COOP, repair your partner after they get shot down.

    8.00% (584.00)
  • In COOP, defeat a Prime together.

    9.14% (511.00)
  • Build your first Expedition workshop.

    21.43% (218.00)
  • Ally with all 5 Outpost types.

    19.43% (240.00)
  • Gain 100% alliance on a planet.

    30.29% (154.00)
  • Get at least 25% alliance on every planet.

    12.29% (380.00)
  • Earn 3 skill points from mastering ships.

    29.71% (157.00)
  • Earn 6 pilot Skill Points from mastering weapons.

    29.43% (159.00)
  • Invest in a pilot's Mentor skill, to make your whole crew stronger.

    22.86% (204.00)
  • Ace

    Spend 14 Skill Points on a single pilot.

    21.43% (218.00)
  • Build 8 Equinox Upgrades.

    45.43% (103.00)
  • Upgrade two sections of the Equinox to their maximum level.

    22.57% (207.00)