• 5,327 Trophies Earned
  • 369 Players Tracked
  • 31 Total Trophies
  • 3,794 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,290 Points
  • 73 Platinum Club
  • 73 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Unlock all trophies

    19.78% (252.00)
  • Hear the clock toll

    81.57% (61.00)
  • Fill all 5 storeys with turrets

    49.05% (102.00)
  • Complete a level with less than 5% Tower health remaining

    53.12% (94.00)
  • Complete the main campaign

    22.22% (225.00)
  • Complete all challenge levels

    21.95% (227.00)
  • Complete a level without taking any damage to the tower

    97.56% (51.00)
  • Complete a survival level without taking any damage to the tower

    49.86% (100.00)
  • Kill a total of 500 units

    85.64% (58.00)
  • Kill a total of 5000 units

    59.89% (83.00)
  • Use all 3 Super Weapons in the battle

    47.97% (104.00)
  • Start the mission with 3 bonuses

    44.17% (113.00)
  • Send 10 trains at once

    42.01% (119.00)
  • Capture each factory at least once

    35.77% (140.00)
  • Build and upgrade all buildings in the town

    40.92% (122.00)
  • Fully upgrade the Battle Tower

    45.80% (109.00)
  • Find the Sea Monster

    39.57% (126.00)
  • Earn 10000 Etherium in the missions for agents

    54.20% (92.00)
  • Send agent to Copenhagen

    36.04% (139.00)
  • Kill 1000 enemies by turrets super ability

    46.34% (108.00)
  • Hit 100 times in the weak points of enemies

    43.90% (114.00)
  • Capture 10 areas using autobattle

    50.68% (99.00)
  • Kill 100 enemies in the shock

    57.72% (86.00)
  • Kill 100 enemies in the fire

    52.85% (94.00)
  • Kill 100 enemies by critical hit

    47.43% (105.00)
  • Destroy 5 tanks by Machinegun super ability

    33.06% (151.00)
  • Destroy 100 air units by Saw launcher super ability

    37.40% (133.00)
  • Destroy 50 armored cars by Lightning super ability

    23.31% (214.00)
  • Destroy 200 infantrymen by Heavy cannon super ability

    45.53% (110.00)
  • Destroy 30 robots by Rocket launcher super ability

    32.52% (154.00)
  • Kill 10 infantrymen with 1 shot of Saw launcher

    45.80% (109.00)