• 158,009 Trophies Earned
  • 8,036 Players Tracked
  • 56 Total Trophies
  • 8,132 Obtainable EXP
  • 1,485 Points
  • 1,552 Platinum Club
  • 534 100% Club
Earned Date
  • Obtain all trophies

    19.31% (190.00)
  • Reach Paris by boat

    96.79% (38.00)
  • Obtain the horseless carriage

    72.41% (51.00)
  • Defeat the Bishop of the Cité

    57.54% (64.00)
  • Defeat the Selenite of the Louvre

    58.70% (63.00)
  • Defeat the Alchemist of Luxembourg

    54.52% (67.00)
  • Defeat the Treasurer of Les Invalides

    51.36% (71.00)
  • Defeat the Centaur of Montmartre

    48.63% (75.00)
  • Defeat the Executioner of the Bastille

    47.27% (78.00)
  • Defeat the Royal Orpheus

    38.66% (95.00)
  • Defeat the Iron Queen

    45.76% (80.00)
  • Defeat all unstable Automats

    40.18% (91.00)
  • Discover the truth about the Queen’s son and save her from certain death

    26.68% (138.00)
  • Investigate the Orléanistes' plot for La Fayette

    35.70% (103.00)
  • Conduct an investigation for Abbé Grégoire

    37.15% (99.00)
  • Help Mirabeau solve his family problems

    33.04% (111.00)
  • Help Julien Raimond in his fight against slavery

    41.19% (89.00)
  • Follow Bailly's advice to find out the truth about Ludia

    38.96% (94.00)
  • Save Necker by finding his wife before his money

    40.75% (90.00)
  • Help Robespierre devise a plan to stop the Automats by forging an alliance with Laclos

    32.81% (112.00)
  • Find Lavoisier's powder and give a significant edge to the Cordeliers Club

    26.58% (138.00)
  • Conduct a journalistic investigation for Marat, without wrongly accusing La Fayette

    27.61% (133.00)
  • Help Robespierre carry out his plan to make him Consul of the Republic

    32.59% (113.00)
  • Help La Fayette become the Lieutenant Général of young King Henri V's kingdom

    29.28% (125.00)
  • Help all the revolutionaries of the Cordeliers Club

    28.83% (127.00)
  • Complete all citizen stories

    21.40% (171.00)
  • Collect all of Athenaïs's echoes

    30.81% (119.00)
  • Awaken the 7 characters bound to Titans

    27.90% (132.00)
  • Activate 20 Vestals

    53.16% (69.00)
  • Defeat 25 enemies with grenades

    25.96% (141.00)
  • Ignite enemies 100 times

    24.17% (152.00)
  • Electrocute enemies 100 times

    22.90% (160.00)
  • Freeze enemies 100 times

    28.57% (128.00)
  • Use Rapid Cooling 50 times

    61.50% (60.00)
  • Perform 10 Perfect Cooldowns

    41.49% (88.00)
  • Perform 50 counterattacks

    31.67% (116.00)
  • Have an enemy be killed by a direct hit from another enemy 5 times

    46.62% (79.00)
  • Surprise 20 enemies with stealth attacks

    65.80% (56.00)
  • Immobilise 70 enemies

    32.84% (112.00)
  • Defeat a Titan without using the Oil Burette

    28.94% (127.00)
  • Equip 4 level 3 modules

    36.32% (101.00)
  • Kill an enemy with a cobblestone

    32.25% (114.00)
  • Fully upgrade the Oil Burette (3x dosage, 4x effectiveness)

    36.49% (101.00)
  • Upgrade a weapon from each of the 7 classes to level 5

    23.37% (157.00)
  • Block 50 attack impacts with a shield special move

    43.57% (84.00)
  • Kill 20 enemies with a ranged shot

    26.84% (137.00)
  • Perform 10 attacks affecting 3 enemies at once

    32.99% (111.00)
  • Hit 20 hidden enemies

    32.80% (112.00)
  • Finish the game without using the Oil Burette (after the tutorial)

    23.46% (156.00)
  • Acquire all outfits in the base game

    24.14% (152.00)

Cagliostro's Secrets DLC trophies

Earned Date
  • Defeat 30 of the following enemies: Necromancers, Gravediggers, and Apothecaries

    7.88% (466.00)
  • Defeat the Scribe using only weapons found in “Cagliostro's Secrets”

    7.47% (491.00)
  • Defeat the unstable Automat at the hospital

    8.47% (433.00)
  • Defeat the Scribe

    8.45% (434.00)
  • Complete the secret area in the Quartier du Temple

    7.33% (501.00)
  • Complete “Cagliostro's Secrets”, save Brissot and bring him back to the Cordeliers

    8.39% (437.00)